It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here...but something is missing!! Now please, pretty pretty please, with sugar on top...Mother Nature...WE NEED SNOW!!!!!! I think she might be confused as to where we are located but in the Upper Peninsula of MI we are supposed to have snow...and lots of it. We've been walking around in t-shirts for crying out loud. We should be bundled up in hats, mittens & scarves, tromping through the snow, drinking hot chocolate on a cold winters night...not drinking lemonade!!! So, if it's not too much to ask.... Jack Frost, Mother Nature, Kris Kringle, Frosty The Snowman, Rudolf & all you other snow loving people, let's get together & demand some white fluff!! Don't make me staple fake snow on my rooftop & shred Styrofoam for my front lawn this year!!