Christmas trees start going up in our house on November 1st. Yup, I said Trees, meaning plural. Three big trees to be exact and 5-10 table top and various sized trees find their way into every nook and cranny.
The front of the house can be seen from Main street...which is 4 blocks away...
The den tree is adorned with a couple hundred multi colored lights and all the homemade ornaments.
The main living room tree had a few new additions this year. My friend Brandy made two of these ornaments for me back in August in memory of our babies. Ken purchased our angel ornament this year & he also found a fantastic humming bird ornament in memory of his Nana.
We all know we need to have a tree in the bathroom to provide that ambiance as we sit on the throne!!
We couldn't pass up the opportunity to take a self picture. Not very often you see us razzle dazzled up.
We rent a hall for Christmas seeing there are 32 of us and face it, who's house can accommodate all of us? Here I am with my big sis Laurie. I just realized her shirt matches my scarf...p.s. the scarf was put on AFTER we consumed our fab meal...to hide the bulging belly!!!
This is only one side of our big circle where we play a gift game. Clearly one heckuva fun event!!!
My brother Kelly
Jay & Osten...Jay's my brother Bruce's boy & Osten his his son.
Me with my lil brother JJ

And back to our living room tree
Of course our bedroom needs a tree!!! We took a big honkan bag of pine cones back from Nana's yard Massachusetts back in June when we went for her funeral. I can't think of a better way than to have them on our tree. =)
If you dare to venture up our windy staircase with tiny steps you'll see this at the bottom landing. I guess I don't have pics of the kitchen trees or the one on the upstairs landing. Believe me, those rooms didn't go without yuletide joy!!! My electric meter knows so!!!!

And back to our living room tree

Oh you crack me up w/ALL of your trees!
How many trees is that? And one is the bathroom.... cool beans :)
I think we had a total of 10....
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