Yesterday I took some pictures of what we have growing in our raised garden beds here at home. If all goes well, we'll be up to our eyeballs in fresh produce.

We also have pretty tulips growing.

Look, it's a summer squash seedling emerging.

The strawberry plants are beginning to flower. Sadly, we will not get any fruit from them this year as they are a two year variety. I am so sad that I will have to pinch any blooms off of the plant this year to promote a nice harvest next year.

Remember that "tater tower?" We have a few spuds beginning to grow!!! I've never grown potatoes before so this is pretty exciting.

These will be small onions. The big ones are planted in the back raised garden bed. A meal without onions is absurd.

This pretty petaled friend just showed up in our little garden where we have rhubarb. I call it a mystery flower. Isn't she purtiful?

Pretty soon we'll be at our witts end and fully content with oodles upon oodles of leafy lettuce.

Lookie here!! The iris' are almost ready to burst. I can't even wait!!

Daffodils dance in the front flower bed.

Little stray blades of green are sprouting. Those will be carrots. Yum!!

The bush beans are doing well too. I can't wait to harvest a handful and sit on the bench and eat them raw.

This is something new I'm trying. Growing broccoli in a large pot. It looks like we're going to get some plants.

On the side of the front porch I planted a few blueberry plants. They are striving and a few little grows have formed.

I don't want to wish summer away but I am so beyond excited to harvest all these goodies and begin preserving and "putting up" home canned goods in our basement pantry. We went down there the other day and almost all of our home canned goods are gone. I refuse to purchase canned tomato soup, or salsa, or even stewed tomatoes. Nothing beats the homemade stuff. =)
NOTHING beats the homemade stuff! Woohoo, salsa - dang it, now I'm hungry.
Gee girl you'll be able to open your own fruit/veg stand!!
Wow! All I can say is WOW! Yeah, I agree w/ should sell your produce!
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