I'm sure most of you can see from previous posts that I live life on the sillified side. I find something beautiful in each and every day. I like to have fun, laugh at life, experience it and just live it!! I don't understand why people have to be so negative to others and to themselves. I tend to distance myself from those types of people. I am sure we all have friends or family members who constantly nag about their looks, the car they drive, who has what, what they want...you get the point!!!
I'm gong to be honest, I do happen to have a few of those such type of people sprinkled in my life. Often times I get comments, "ohh you are so happy all the time" "well you have Ken to make you happy" "your life is perfect and you have this that and the next thing" "You have such a close, perfect family life" Well....folks. I'm here to tell ya....NO, I am not happy all the time but I DO make it a point to find something in each and everyday that makes me happy. Sometimes I have to search, but most of the time I don't.
I know I am very fortunate to have Ken, and yes, he does make me happy. He also makes me sad, angry, hopeful, eager and proud. The only person who can make YOU happy is YOURSELF and I know that.
I laugh when someone comments on my family life...LOL if you even knew. I am very fortunate to have a large loving family. I also have a sister who doesn't speak to me, a niece I have never seen, family who has addictions...Life is not always "perfect" I choose not to dwell on the negative nonsense and go about living. You can't change people, or even make them happy. They have to do that on their own.
All the material bologna we have is just that. It does not define me or limit me or give me any more power than anyone else who does not have what we have. Remember, four years ago Ken and I lived in a camper and the semi. But, even then, without running water, driving around an old pickup we bought for $300, we still had it all.
Happiness is a frame of mind that I truly wish more people would allow themselves to visit. Quit comparing yourselves to others, quit cutting yourself and others down. Truly love yourself, and all your imperfections. Embrace life, live it, and open your eyes to the beautimus things around you.
1 comment:
"Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but rather a manner of traveling."
Funny stuff, this loving yourself; once you realize that you are fantastic even with flaws, you suddenly figure out that they are not flaws, but just another part of you that makes you who you are. All part of the design!
Show compassion to those who are so angry, they are the ones who need it the most. I'm willing to bet they look up to you because of your attitude.
I'm heading to the yoga immersion, so I'll be out of the blog world for a few weeks. I'll be peeking in on FB though, so wave if you see me!
Much love!
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