Our team "The Flying Feathers" participated in the first Mud Plunge last Saturday in Ishpeming, MI. It was a 5k run in mud pits with 6 different obstacles. I totally knew it was going to rock all sorts of butt when we signed up. This gal right here LOVES getting dirty!!

This is my Anytime Fitness family. Joining the gym last November was one of THE most rewarding things we have ever done. It's brought us closer, met new friends, not to mention the crazy amount of benefits it has done to our bodies. Have you seen my Ken lately??? Check out those guns!! Yum Ok, back to the race....
We ran through fields, the forest, muddy roads, over hurdles made of logs, through a rope spiderweb, through tires, climbed a 10ft wall, crawled on our tummies through a fantastic mud pit, stood in front of firehoses to rinse off.....ohhh I'm tellin ya, it. was. AWESOME!!! I was so completely terrified of the darn climbing wall. Remember, I can trip on my own shadow and my balance is super wonky. But I DID IT!!!!! CHAAAACHING!!!
Not only was it fun, but mud is good for your skin!! And who doesn't fancy a muddy hunky hubby...and firemen spraying you off with hoses. Man, that water was FREEZING!!!
Can't wait till next years event!! You can bet your buns we will be back!!!

Team Flying Feathers: Derek & Shelli, Kathy & Ken
Looked like you guys had a blast!
woow, it's funny...
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