I am the most anal retentive person I know about certain things. Not everything...just certain things.
Such as: My cabinets in the bathroom must be highly organized. Well holy sheepskin Batman! They were beyond disarray. The thing I am most anal about is my towels & wash cloths...see, they MUST & I mean MUST be folded a certain way. No tags can be seen, corners have to match, and the design at the bottom has to be showing on the outside. Oh and another thing...they have to face a certain way in the closet. Well lately I have not kept up with my organizationalizing because we have either been busy or I have felt like padooples...so it took the better part of this afternoon to get it tidied up. I have to wonder...are there other wackadoodles out there or is it just me all by my lonesome wasting time on such nonsense?
Another thing I am especially anal about is how sheets & blankets are folded. Once again...corners have to line up precisely. Sheets need to be crisp but not cardboard-ish. Designs on blankets have to be on the "right" side facing up. When such items in my home are not in such fashion I literally get cranky & pull everything off the shelf & re-fold it all. Now isn't that just nuts!!
I used to even alphabetize my spices & my canned goods too. I have somehow let that one go for the time being. I do however have to have everything facing one direction & like items are grouped together. You won't find french cut green beans & sliced green beans mixed amongst each other.
BUT...these days even my kitchen cabinets are in a state of complete chaos! With all the baking & cooking I've been doing items are just getting put up in the cabinets wherever they will fit. I am determined to find some sort of solution. Not only for my mess but also to not be so insanely anal. Each day I will tackle a specific chaotic explosion & find homes for everything.
I even used to organize my clothes closet by color of clothing & different color hangers for certain things. Not to go all "Mommy Dearest" but there are NO wire hangers in my closet! Sadly my closet is bulimic these past few months. I keep feeding her clothes & she just purges them out her doors. I'm thinking we need some sort of treatment for that too. I will never have an anorexic closet slim with clothes. There may be an underlying addiction here.
Why is it bizarre for one to fold undies & socks & over the shoulder boulder holders? I know sooo many people who just toss everything into their drawer. I dunno how people could stand a big ole wrinkle wedged in their heine from not folding their undies. Especially full fledged bloomer undie wearing folks. You know, the undies that support ones bust.
Another thing...grammar. I'm a junkie for grammar & if I read something with errors I have to re-read it several times & in my head I fix the errors. It took me like a month to edit my friend Laurens book last summer! You have no clue how much it bugs me that this blogger thing won't post my entries with paragraphs! Oh my Smurfs! Does that ever urk my inner being!!!
Anyways, I think I think too much. Tonight just happens to be one of those nights of deep reflections on completely nonsesical things!! =) Is there anybody at all out there who is even a smidgen in the anal state of mind such as I???
10 hours ago
1 comment:
I also have my spices alphabetized & my CDs are alphabetized. Some things I'm particular on where they need to go. But I don't think I'm "anal" about it. If I see it's misplaced & I have the time & take the time I'll fix it but if not, then oh well, until I do! We all have our little quirks & that's what makes us all unique & special! And you, my friend, are special to me!
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