Christmas Eve we went to Ken's Grandparents, ate entirely too much, visited & had a fanfreakingtastic time!!! Ken's Aunt Laurie just may have found her calling in life...a Walmart greeter!! It's a totally funny story. Of course my mouth got me in a funny way. I have a tendency of speaking before I completely think things through. It's all good though if it provides a laugh.
Afterwards we went to our Friend Sammi's parents house for even more food. Even before I was able to take my coat off Tom (Sam's Dad) presented me with this....
It was midnight by the time we got home so we didn't make it to the neighbors for visiting & yuletide drinks. BUT I did put my totally heine kickin new jammies!!! I should have taken a picture but I didn't. Here's the story...My Mom always gave me new jammies on Christmas Eve and the tradition continues. Talk about super comfy!!!
Christmas Day came before we knew it. Ken & I met the man at the VFW Hall. As some of you know, I come from a HUGEMUNGUS family. I don't mean as in fat, ok, we are on the chubby side, but no, there are 31 of us around the table for Christmas Dinner. We find that having Christmas at the Hall provides us with the room we need & allows the kiddos to run around & play with their toys Santa brought them. Once home I made meatpies. The base is Ken's Meme's recipe & the seasoning of it is much like my Mom used. Then it was time to get ready & head to the Hall. It was a whirlwind of eating, visiting, laughing, more eating, more talking, cooking, & more eating. After we finished eating I passed my "secret project" I had been working on to my older siblings & was presented with something so kick ass I cannot include it in this post!!!
We played the gift game which was oodles of fun!! Ken ended up getting a gift my brother Pat & his wife Kim took & it was heated seat covers & a super fab Upper MI Calendar. I picked the gift that my brother Darryl brought & it was a portable Dust buster kit & a reindeer that "poops" that Maddy took over. Total kick butt! Both gifts will be out of this galaxy awesome to use in the semi!! The dust buster will help keep Ken's allergies at bay & I've always wanted a hot arse!! LOL
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