Another blog that has consumed A LOT of my time reading is http://jane4girls800dollarannualbudget.blogspot.com/ What this woman achieves is nothing less than AMAZING!! I can't seem to step away from my computer when her page is up. How in tarnation does one feed their family for $800 a year?!?!
I haven't always been the best shopper & I tend to do frivolous things a bit too much. But I'm getting better & so is the hubby. Our goal is ultimately to be debt free & buy something in the country & have a garden & all that jazz. It's a ways off but wouldn't it be super fab!! As of right now we have 3 loans with the credit union. One for our pickup truck, one for our suburban & one for our camper. We also have our mortgage & a new semi. I've come to the conclusion we'll always have a semi payment but it sure would be nice to eliminate the others! Imagine the $ saved! We can squirrel some away , or heck, take a vacation...we have NEVER done that together since we've been together. There are home improvements in our future & 2 doggies upcoming surgeries. Imagine what an extra grand a month could do to our savings account!!! Heck, we'd actually have one!
I think a lot about our economy & our future. Most people wouldn't know me as a deep thinker. But actually my deep thoughts can be somewhat scary at times! LOL
Every year I make a New Years Resolution...a realistic one!! This year it is to save $ & pay things off. We are not credit card fiends but do have a couple. Well I am stoked to say, we are one less now! It's been paid off. None of them have high balances but still. If we can't afford it, we don't get it.
In years passed I have had the resolution of working on my stubborn-ness, my cussing (the reasoning behind my swellacious wording) , weeding out the negative people in my life, allowing others to "know" me. This year is all about getting out of debt & using our resources!!! How bout you? What's your resolution?
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