One of my favorite things to do is spin yarn. I've talked about it often & many friends have shook their heads in disbelief when I tell them what it is. Seriously, it's relaxing, teaches control and it's soo rewarding. Plus the feel of the fibres as it runs through your fingers is nothing less than exhilarating!!
I purchased a large amount of roving from a woman who sets up shop at the Gas & Steam Engine Village at the fairgrounds. A couple times a year the Association has activities that we partake in. Just this past year we decided to join the Association. I look forward to sitting in the yarn shack spinning yarn & crocheting with the other ladies this coming Autumn when they do their annual Gas & Steam Engine Show. But, tonight as I sit in my recliner, my youngest dog by my feet & the fireplace going, I am spinning yarn & imagining what I will make out of the finished product.
I love it.....takes you back a little....seems peaceful!!
its looking so soft and beautiful thanks for sharing this with us..
I love working with hand-spun yarn. Do you die yarn also??
Enjoy your blog!
Lilly~ Thanks so much for your comment. I am going to try dyeing my own this time. It'll be my 1st time. I know a lot of people use koolaide. I am thinking about using tea bags.
Tami~ As you know, I'm pretty high strung but spinning my own yarn totally relaxes me and brings me great peace.
Wow, neato! I love the picture as your header!
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