I go down to the lake to think, to daydream and reconnect with myself and my thoughts. It's where, 16years ago I met Ken. As I ate my sandwich I watched the snow drift from the lake onto the road creating 2 to 3 foot snowdrifts. The area lacks snow & our lawns are exposed but not down by the lake...a mere handful of blocks from my home. There are still fish shacks on the lake but soon the ice will melt & the big ore boats will resume their shipping. We truly live in a beautiful area. Come, take a ride with me. I'll prove it to you. =)

As I sat down by the Museum I looked out at the Lighthouse as the snow blew all around me, making the snowdrifts on the bike path even bigger

Man was it windy! See the little sapling trees all bent?

I see snowdrifts! Heck, just the sight of snow makes me giddy like a school girl getting a Valentine from the cutest boy in the class. Just a smidgen of the bike path is showing. I look forward to our nightly 10-15 mile bike rides. This is on our route. Pretty awesome huh?

After I make my way out of the drifts I turn onto our Main Street & the parking stalls by the lakeside are nothing but a snowdrift.

The grass on Municipal Dock is exposed!! It's just by the Museum and beachhouse where the wind had whipped up some snow. Very soon we will be able to go biking!!

The last whoosh of wind blows snow across Main Street.

And there is snow on the grass to my right...

But maybe 50 feet from all that blowing, snowy driftyness I am in a place of nearly no snow. There are a couple businesses on the right hand side, which are lakeside. The buildings block the lake from blowing all sorts of snow. Kinda funny how it looked like a winter wonderland one minute & the next it looks like Spring is right around the corner. Only in the U.P. of Michigan do we get such diversity. Such a simple way to enjoy what is in my own backyard.
What a lovely vista, but it's even better that you find the beauty in it. I would love to visit there someday; I've been nowhere near there!
Well, if you are ever in the great Upper Penninsula of MI you be sure to give us a jingle. We'd love to have ya. It's an outdoorsman's paradise here. Many people think we are part of WI or Canada, or they don't even that we exist. Often times when watching television we blend with WI or Canada. I love the area that you live & dream of one day living out west. =)
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