Their trip only took them as far as Epoufette, MI though. A pickup truck crossed the center line, crashing into our car head on. The driver of our car was killed instantly by the steering wheel decapitating him. Jim was ejected from the car & thrown into the ditch. Karen was laying on the back seat sleeping & I was sitting on the floor behind the passenger seat. The driver of the pickup was drunk...have I mentioned lately how STUPID drunk driving is?
I have always known about this accident & I was told that a police officer gave me CPR and brought me back. For my whole life I have always wanted to meet the man who gave me a second chance at life. I have searched and searched. Lost hours upon hours of sleep scouring, digging up any information I could possibly get my hands onto in search for this man. I don't think most people, other than my husband know just how much time I have given to this search and just how much I wanted this. It's been my dream. My. Whole. Life. I have heard stories about the accident, my injuries, Karen's injuries, Jim's injuries and Joe's death my whole life. I have heard the story about when my family went downstate to sign papers so the officer could be given a medal for saving my life. The day that we went downstate I was in the car with my Mom (I was adopted by my grandparents when I was a baby) Karen & Jim (my biologicals) went in to sign some papers, a cop came to the car that my Mom & I were in, asked if we needed anything. My Mom stated why they were there, the cop said, "that was me". Apparently I was sound asleep but when he said that I woke up and smiled at him. Keep in mind, I have heard these stories my whole life. I needed to thank the man, somehow, someway.
Now, just two weeks ago I got a call from Jim's wife telling me that the man who saved my life was up at my camp!! Jim was up at camp with my brother Bruce & Bruce's friend Hank. They were tapping maple trees. Anyways, Bruce jabbed his eye with a twig. He was fine but that whole incident got the guys talking about accidents. This Hank fella went on about this gruesome accident he came upon about 34yrs ago, the woman screaming in the car, pointing to her pink bracelet on her arm, the driver being decapitated, the baby in the backseat, the man walking from the ditch, being in Epoufette, Labor Day weekend, the baby's head being smushed like a pancake...it dawned on Jim that Hank was talking about the accident he was in!!
Ok, I go my whole life looking for this man. The man who hit us was a previous Mayor & everything was covered up. There is no record on file of our accident. Not even in Lansing!! I spent days, months and most of my life scouring anything I can get my hands onto to find this man and he lives a half a mile from my brother Bruce!! No kidding right?

We pulled up to the house, Bruce wanted me to go in first, I was too nervous. What happened afterwards was a whirlwind of hugs and thank yous. He tried to shake my hand...nope, he was getting a hug!! We all hugged and he and his wife said to have a seat. We sat at the table, Hank said "have you been staying out from underneath crushed car seats?" When he found me I was smushed under the seat. It was a total ice breaker. It was awesome actually. We talked and talked. Then talked some more. He told me what he saw, the gruesomeness of the scene, the smell of blood, how my head was a pancake when he took me out & put me on the hood of the car, he spoke of the man from the pickup truck reeking of alcohol, what it looked like when my head retook shape. He spoke vividly of everything & how they prayed, he always wondered what happened to that family. Did they live? What about the baby? Was she alive? He told me everybody cried when the officer gave me CPR and I started coughing and crying.

Meeting Hank & his wife was like meeting old friends. I am certain we will make many memories in the future. I am certain. I have a hero, and his name is Hank =)
I am sitting here with tears in my eyes. How lucky you were to have a guardian angel, that being Hank. I cannot imagine the feelings going through you when you first met him yesterday, but I am so happy you were able to.
I should have known to get a tissue before reading this!! I am so happy for you, what a wonderful opportunity for both of you...as you have wondered all these years so has he. Beautiful!!
Wow, what an amazing story! I am so happy that your dream has finally come true to meet Hank!
i never knew anything like this ever happend to you. Thank the lord for sending his angle Hank to your side. now i have to wipe the tears from my face because this was a sad story with a happy ending. I mean a great ending. Thank you Hank for saving our dear friends life.
It is amazing! God sure has a plan for the people he sends into our lives and in this case because of one amazing hero many people have been able to know not only a hero (Hank) but also a sister daughter friend wife auntie (Kathy). Guardian angels and heros are everywhere so hold close to the people in your lives. Love ya sis!
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