Where have I been and why haven't I been blogging is what I have been being asked. Well, a lot has been going on that has had me pretty much on an emotional roller coaster. I do not like to post negative filth on here.
At the same time, this is my blog, my place and I can be me on this. Some days I wanted to scream and some days I wanted to cry, and often times did. Some days I just wanted to crawl in a cave and hibernate until all the nonsense stopped. Some days I wanted to punch something and be left alone. I can't handle ignoarance from and toward other people.
The Wednesday after Easter I came down with the flu, spent a couple days laying on the couch, napping and I got to know my bathroom on a much to personal level. Once that cleared up I got a nasty head cold which turned into a double ear infection, sinus infection & chest crud. Fevers ran rampant, I visited the doctors twice, many tears were shed.
On top of feeling like crud my little brother got married. We weren't going to go because I was not well but hey, it was Joshy's wedding & I needed to be there. That same day I found out on my brother in laws facebook that my sister (who does not speak to us) had a baby. I had just found out three weeks prior that she was even expecting. This is the same sister with whom I am, I mean, was very close with. So yeah, it sucks knowing I have a new niece that I will most likely never see and I lost one of my very dear friends being my little sister. I will continue to pretend none of this bugs me. I tend to do the "everything is fine" type thing until I actually believe it. Hopefully I start believing it pretty darn soon cuz this just sucks. Maybe Yoga would help calm the hurt in my heart.
One of my very dear life long friends called me right before Easter telling me that he and his fiance had their baby but he was unaware if the baby or even Mommy would make it. Lauren is my brother from another mother. No, not really. But he might as well be. He's one of my oldest friendships. I am happy to report both baby Avana and Mommy Heidi are doing great and Miss Kathy got to hold lil Ava this past Saturday. I haven't held a little 6lb baby in quite some time. She is beyond precious and made many of the nonsensical stuff that has been going on just vanish.
On top of all that my little brother who is serving in Iraq had an outburst on my facebook page that I am embarrassed ever happened. I feel I need to apologize for the ignorance he posted. He got married this past December and nobody knew until two days later. Anyways, he got very upset because we didn't go to his wedding, didn't take pictures of them, I didn't plant flowers for his wife...keep in mind, nobody knew he even got married and we live in upper MI...we can't plant flowers yet. I would have been there had we known. What's up with all this nonsense? I've had it up to my eyeballs in the filth. Jealousy and lies are ridiculous! Maybe I need a punching bag to let some stress out on?
We got word not too long after that that my nephew was involved in an ATV accident. The four wheeler tipped over on him, crushing him and knocking him out. I didn't sleep for three days worrying about him. Dave & I are the same age and we've always been real close. Dave has compression fractures on his spine and one heckuva concussion. He has to see a brain specialist tomorrow. People, always wear a helmet! Through this whole time I went to the doctors twice, got numerous prescriptions and finally one that they said will knock the infection out of me. wooohooo!! Come to find out, it's otoxic! Nice.
I am finished with the antibiotics and am just waiting as patiently as I can for my hearing to go back to it's normal. I guess it gets messed up after someone has an ear infection. I've only had one in my whole life so this is new to me. Ken said if it doesn't return this week to call my otolaryngologist. It's kinda freaking me out to be honest. These past three days have been the most humanoid I have felt in 3 weeks. I am hoping that all of the other nonsense irons itself out soon. Life is far too short.
Ok, now that I got that out of my system I am beyond ready to share some new recipes I have tried, tell you all about the garden I planted, the daily musings of my fab five, otherwise known as our dogs, the upcoming camping season and get back on my peddle bike. I am down 8lbs so far and one pant size on my quest to lose 50lbs. I've got a long ways to go. But I will get there!! I know I have a fair share of nonsensical junk to motivate me =)
About Me

- Kathy
- I'm a bit silly & I like to make people laugh. People tell me I'm rather loud but I am usually quiet until I get to know you. I love life, I live life to the fullest & treat others as I would like to be treated.
Monday, April 26, 2010
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Count on me to grab onto the yoga part! Yoga will not calm the hurt, but it will give you the tools to release it, to move past it, and in time, let it go leaving behind only stillness and peace. We store hurt and anger inside ourselves and we latch onto the intensity of it all. Once we move past the intensity, however, there is only peace and acceptance for what is. The memories will still be there, but they will no longer cause fog over your presence. If you can’t find a yoga class, or even better, a qualified teacher, then start with simple breathing exercises. It helps, it really does.
Oh, Kathy, I'm so sorry for all that you have been going thru! I'm praying that you are on the way to recovery w/both your health & all of the emotional turmoil you're going thru!
Hey Kath, I have been praying for you too! I also had sinusitis and brochcitis for two weeks. Last week, I got some meds and now I feel much better only to find out my diverticulitis is acting up! So after complete blood work-up and a CAT scan, more antibiotics were prescribed as well as a visit to a surgeon for a possible colonoscopy. Yeah! :-( Being sick is no fun. So glad you are feeling better! BTW, do you want to come and clean up and organize my house?
Love ya lots! Darryl
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