We are so fortunate to have amazing neighbors!! Our block has a block party every year. Last year we didn't have one. The crack heads were in the neighborhood & it just wasn't feasible to have a party. But this year rocked!! We had soo much fun...up until the cops were called!
Yes, the cops were called. We had the main meal at Chaliers immaculate yard & well, there is a certain person who lives on this block that does not get along with Bob & April. It's over something so stupid. They are both fantastic people but the friction is there & will most likely always remain. It's pretty sad though when ya think about it. Anyways, if ANY type of gathering is being hosted at the Chaliers this disgruntled couple just act out like children.
We danced till we couldn't dance anymore. Ahhh fun times! Most everybody was enjoying a bit too much alcohol. I don't drink so I had my fill on high quality H2O. We don't normally drink but every now & then it's nice to chill. And after this week it was well deserved. Ken had a few drinks but at least he's an even funnier version of himself when he has a couple.
I realize I am not a young wipper snapper anymore. Today my body is paying for it. There are muscles in my body that are sore that I never knew I had! Total fun times though!! After the dancing we headed to the Weber's across the street for a bon fire. Legally the noise ordinance starts at 11pm here. So it was time to shut down the Bob's DJ equipment & mosey onward.
Well on our way across the street the certain disgruntled neighbors had it out with The Chalier's & Weber's. Why can't everybody get along??? I wonder about this sometimes! We saw first hand the sheer hate these neighbors have for each other last night. It's rather absurd. We get along with all of our neighbors. But what each party was saying & doing was absurd & childish! See why we don't drink!!
We stayed at Webers for just a smidgen. The cops arrived at Weber's mere seconds after everybody walked across the street. It's just because the disgruntled neighbors hate the Weber's & holy moley...how dare they have a party. Ugh...one thing I hate....HATE!!!
Ken along with Mark (Ken's brother in law) had to hold Steve back from mouthing off to the cop. The reason for the cop showing up was absurd in the 1st place. I agree with that. But he's a cop...and Steve was beyond drunk. After they got Steve chilled out some we sat by the fire. It really wasn't too fun at that point. People were just being stupid & childish & there was no intelligent conversation being had.
The disgruntled Mrs. began to start her mouth running AGAIN which only sent Steve into a fury of diarrhea of the mouth. Such nastiness was spoken. These 2 adults were acting like children! I really wish Steve wouldn't have lowered himself to barking back at her. Anyways, that's when we left.
We started a lil fire in our chimnea & Ken, myself & our brother in law Mark sat on the patio & chilled. It was a beautiful night out & the stars were amazing. Mark eventually went home around 1am & our neighbor's son stopped by after he got off work. We sat outside till 4am chit chatting & watching like 30 falling stars!! A perfect ending to a fun filled day, scattered with chaos.
No clue what was going on here...I think they thought they had to hold the tent down???
It was Tracy's birthday. She doesn't normally dress like this. Chris had given this whole outfit as a gag gift & Trace was such a sport to model it!

from L to R: Terry's wife, myself, Tracy, Chris & Alecta

Steve, Myself & Bob during "Save a Horse, Ride A Cowboy" (Ken took the pic)
1 comment:
Wow! I would never have recognized Bob! We graduated together and went to school together since 4th grade. That is not his brother Steve in the picture with you, right? If so, that totally does not look like him. Then again, I have not seen these people in 15 years or more.
If I went to our reunion I would probably shocked and reminded of my age.
When I was watching Stargate I was wondering how old the actors were. When I see shows it most often seems the actors are older when in reality we are proably the same age.
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