I highly recomend the Movie The Bucket List! I had myself a little "Kathy time" & watched it last week. Sensational movie!!!
Now to some this may sound wierd, and a bit wackadoodleish but for as long as I remember I have always had a "bucket list" But mine was called "the to do before I die list" I know, kinda morbid. I've always thought I was going to die young. Wierd huh? Anyways this list totally fits my personality though & a fantastic way to fulfil my need for making lists. Plus it keeps me on target of my life goals. I don't need a reason such as an impending death time frame to do extraordinary things. We're all gonna die wheather we like it or not & it's best to make the best of the short time frame we call life & experience everything life has to offer!!
I'll share a few of my life goals that have been achieved & some yet to achieve...
1. Be kind to others (I continue to try to do this daily)
2. Marry a wonderful man (I am so lucky to have met & married my best friend. Ken's pretty super neato if you ask me!!)
3. Climb a mountain (We kinda sorta went rock climbing in Montana...but I don't consider that to count)
4. Live out West (One day....Out West is where my soul belongs)
5. Travel in all of the United States (We were so fortunate to travel through the 48 continental states & 5 of the providences in Canada)
6. Learn about anything & everything (This is a never ending goal)
7. Be an advocate for cancer (I haven't even touched the surface & I will never stop!)
8. Help abused, orphaned, shelter dogs & cats & well any animal in need of a loving home (Well, we have 5 dogs, 2 cats...all from bad homes or shelters)
9. See Phantom Of The Opera on Broadway (Haven't done this yet...)
10. Be a Mommy (Can I consider being a mommy to my animals being a mommy? I've always wanted kids...5 to be exact. But the man upstairs apparently has different plans for us in life)
11. Meet my bestest gal friend Shashi (This is a huge one for me!! I don't think she even knows just how much her friendship means to me & how very much I treasure our friendship. She is a total hero & a great inspiration & I can't even imagine how I'd cope with MM if I hadn't met her swellacious self!!)
12. Make a difference (as in make people happy, be kind, share in life experiences)
I could go on & on here...but I won't bore ya!
Do any of you have a list of goals to do before you kick the bucket?
1 comment:
I have not seen this movie yet! Sounds intriguing!
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