I have been rather quiet on my blog lately other than the quizzes & non personal things. I had to take some time to do some searching & get re-focused.
Just a few days after my post about cancer that Allison gal lost her battle. She passed away on the 5th of August....I still continue to read her hubby Toms posts. It's heartbreaking but at the same time very loving.
Also on the morning on August 12th my friend Shane posted a mssg saying that his Mom passed away as well. I mentioned before...Jan had cancer for several years & it had traveled to her brain. Last Thursday was Jan's services. My friend Kristin & I attended for about an hour. Both Shane, his brother Chad & their Dad seem to be doing well, under the circumstances. Just days prior Shane had mentioned to me that they had a sweatshirt made for his mom of Harley(his dog). Harley was such a Grandmas girl. Well, sadly Jan never got to wear it & it was folded up & placed in her casket. The flowers were gorgeous, as his mother was.
Tomorrow my sister Christine has surgery for her cancer. I ask everybody to keep Alison's family & friends, Shane, Chad & Kevin (their dad), and my sister Chrissy in your thoughts....
In other news I have found what I believe to be a very wunnaful organization that one may like to join to help brighten a chemo patients day. It's called Chemo Angels http://www.chemoangels.net/ I am also still trying to get some leads on the afghan idea. I'm kinda leaning toward Victory Junction Gang camp. It's a camp The Petty's run in Honor of their son Adam Petty which is a camp for terminally ill kiddos. http://www.victoryjunction.org/aa_home/index.html My friend Becky also has an ultra fantastical fundraiser going on. It's for NF2. If one is interested in helping in those efforts click on the link right below my song thingy on my profile. I urge you to check out her story. She's truly an inspiration!!! There are a number of ways one can help with either of these organizations. Isn't life about helping others & making their day better???
Top 20 Easiest-to-Grow Plants that Attract Bees
3 hours ago
1 comment:
Yes, you're right, life is about helping others!
I like your song thingy but it covers the 1st half of your post! So I couldn't read all your post!
Because You Loved Me is one of my Celine Dion favorites!
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