On 3-23-96 I was given the greatest gift. I became the wife of my best friend, soulmate and lover. He is the kindest, patient, goofy, dorkipotamus, handsome lovable man I know. I love him more that I ever thought a heart was campable of loving. He completes me....

Even after 15yrs of being married. He is still the hand I reach for, the man I will grow old with, the man who knows all my secrets, supports my dreams, give me a push when I need it, and pulls me in his wonderful arms and wraps me in a hug. He completes me. Fifteen years of wedded bliss...can't wait to share another 128 with this fabulous man!! I love you Ken!!! =)
Aww. That's so sweet! You're an inspiration to me. I'm actually going through a rough time with our marriage. But reading your blog inspires me to keep going on. Thanks for sharing this entry!
~Hessed Joy
Happy Anniversary, you two love birds! :)
awwwwwwwwwwww too sweet, congrats, and hope you have many more happy years together, which i am sure you will xxx
That's wonderful! Happy Anniversary. It's great to a couple these days still hanging int here.
Astonishing...They looks so gorgeous.Good looking couple!
Kathy you are so sweet love..you are such a great inspiration for ever..you live long..
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