Spaghetti & Meatball Benefit Dinner
for Stephen Ewing
Escanaba VFW April 30,2011
$6 adult, $4 children & kids under 5 free
***Raffles and silent auction***
Steve was involved in a devastating car accident in Manistique, MI on February 19th, 20 II. He was in a medically induced coma for 2 weeks, on kidney dialysis & ventilator. He has had surgery on his broken pelvis, hip, wrist, and numerous surgeries on his left leg. The doctors are still trying to save his left leg from having to be amputated. He has numerous surgeries and many months of rehab in the future. All $$$ raised will go to the Ewing family to help defray travel expenses and bills.
We are also hoping to get Steve a laptop and new hearing aid. Steve is deaf, therefor, he isn't able to use the telephone to keep in touch with family and friends as he is bedridden in the hospital. His communication with the outside world is done primarily through the computer. His hearing aid is also broke.
***Info: Kathy Woodbury kmw825@yahoo.com or 906-789- 1064 ***
Special update: Last week I put the benefit info on my facebook and mentioned that we also want to get Steve a new hearing aid because his was broke in the accident. My fab friend brandy saw my status and told me she would talk to her aunt at Miracle Ear. That very night brandy called me with amazing news!! That very day her aunt Rose had been given a set of top notch hearing aides from a family member of a person that had passed away. The family wanted the aides to be donated to someone who really needed them and can not afford them.
Now, hold on, that's not all. Rose will travel to Steve free of charge. She's doing this on her own. She will do his hearing exam, make his ear impressions and program the aides out of the kindness of her heart. Amazing right!! A pure stranger helping someone out!! Rocks my world!
The only cost is $100 for the actual earmoulds. Which several of us pitched in for. So, Steve will be getting his hearing aides in the near future. Rose told me Steve will be hearing better than he ever has before. What a remarkable gift!!
Being part of this experience has made me realize just how amazing people are. I am honored to be involved in such an amazing event. So, that is where much of my time has been spent. Gathering donations, answering emails and phone calls. It's fantastical!!
1 comment:
That is awesome about Rose & the hearing aids. God sure does provide! He used Rose's generous heart to provide for Steve's hearing aid that he so desperately needs! Blessings to you as you prepare for this benefit. You are amazing!
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