Something I wish I could change??? Hmmmm....I wish I could change the way people treat others and have the ability to change the world into a place of peace and love. I believe one person can help make that change but I also have to be realistic and realize I myself can only change my ways and hopefully inspire others to do the same. Ultimately though, it's up to the others to want to change. So, what I want to change is.....the oil in our vehicles. Last summer I learned how to change a tire. This summer I am going to sweet talk the hubby into teaching me how to change the oil in on eof our vehicles. Not the semi. Usually we take our trucks to the oil changing places. For once I want to be the oil changing place. I'll curl my eye lashes, apply my mascara and eyeliner, put on some bib overalls, wear a polka dotted hat, hang a blue rag out of my pocket and wear goggles and maybe a face mask too. It'll be great! I better start sweet talking the hubby right now....
1 comment:
Lol, well I don't know how to change the oil on a car but I did help my hubby change the brakepads on our nissan skyline, which was a lot easier than I thought it would be and quite fun really.
good luck with your oil change, if you pursuade your hubby, I look forward to reading about it lol.
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