About Me

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I'm a bit silly & I like to make people laugh. People tell me I'm rather loud but I am usually quiet until I get to know you. I love life, I live life to the fullest & treat others as I would like to be treated.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ken & Kenzie have a Birthday!!

On May 24th two Woodbury's had a birthday.....

I'll do McKenzie 1st cuz she's the youngest...she's our 3rd oldest pup & turned a whoppan 8yrs old. And yup, she was born on Kensters 24th birthday .....

which makes Ken a whoppan 32yrs old!!!!

We were camping up at Ken's family's camp for the special day. We rescued McKenzie from a home that totally neglected her and she's been nothing but awesome! I do encourage anyone who is in the market for a pup to rescue one from a shelter or a neglected home. They are the most loyalist lil fluffy friends you'll ever have!! And the hubbykins is pretty swell too!! But you can't adopt him. =)


Tami said...

Happy Birthday Ken and Kenzie!!!

Sounds like you all have been having some fun!!

Have a great day!!

Jewel said...

Happy Birthday, McKenzie!

Happy Birthday, Kenster! Can't wait to meet ya! Maybe one of these days you guys will be in our neck of the woods again!