We are still going camping this weekend & we hope to make the best of the situation...we'll see what happens.
Anyways, today is Thankful Thursday!! Instead of focusing on one thing I'm gonna let my scatterbrain lead the way.
I recently joined Facebook & have reconnected with oodles of friends from high school & college!!! I totally stole, I mean borrowed this photo from my brothers facebook photo album. I don't have a copy of this photo. But now I do!! It's of the 10 of us Pepin kids taken at my brother Darryl's 25yr Jubilee celebration. It's not too often you get all 10 of us in one place!!

Front Row: left to right Pat, Mike, Laurie, Kelly & me
Yeah, in this photo we are lined up according to age =)
My most favoritist season is Autumn. The U.P. is by far one of the best places to spend the season! New England area comes pretty darn close, if not tied with Yopper Land. The cool mornings that turn into sunshiney afternoons & crisp evenings is by far the best! Some other favorite Fall things are:
Homemade turkey noodle soup on a cool Fall night
Quirky scarecrow on the fence & Pumpkins
and don't forget the foliage in reds, yellows & oranges!!
The smell of cinnamon, a pumpkin scented candle
Apple season!
Wearing jeans & sweatshirts
The smell...yes, I do enjoy the smell of Fall, even the dead rotting leaves
The fact I'm not getting swampy butt from being hot. and no, my heine does not smell like a swamp!!
cornstalks, pumpkins, gourds
bonfires & smore's
The Upper Peninsula offers some fantastical aurora borealis (northern lights) shows. If you have not witnessed the northern lights, you best get your fanny up here in the fall! It's amazing! It also seems like there are more shooting stars in the Fall. Sitting outside gazing at the stars is something we enjoy.
Knowing Christmas is right around the corner. Which reminds me! We will have two additions to our household this Christmas!! We, I mean I will be adding 2 more big trees to our home this year!! No clue where they will be put yet but holy stokage!!! November 1st begins the decorating spree!!
Next weekend Ken & I are going to go to Garden, MI to attend the Fall festivities at Fayette. We've never been to it but holy beans! Totally can't wait! After that we are stopping at the apple orchard. I foresee batches of applesauce in my very near future! OH! And at the orchard they have a used book store! So we know where Kaffy's silly self will be!! Ahhh the smell of old books!
Being in the U.P. we have oodles upon oodles of trails & places to hike & explore. Especially for geocacheing! What better way to spend a day! Pack a couple sandwiches, some cider & snacks & head into the forest on a treasure hunt. Don't forget the GPS!! Feel the crunch of the leaves under your feet, look up at the foliage, breath in the crisp air. Guess what's also neato about this? It's FREE! And fun!!
Be sure to get out & enjoy your Fall season!! Before we know it'll be snowing!!
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