I did oodles of crocheting, a bit of reading, lots of gazing out the window, listening & singing music with the hubbykins. Ahhh it was soo fantabulastical!
I was able to stay awake most of the night with Ken on Sunday. Usually an hour or so into the trip I need to lay down to shake off the dizzies. But day one I made it up for several hours before I finally hit the sack & Ken continued driving.
Monday after we delivered in Willard we picked up at a driveway sealant place for our reload which delivered to 5 different places. Finaling in Esky for Tuesday morn. Again, on Monday I was able to spend oodles of time in the front with my hubbykins. Total sock rockage!!
While filling up at a Truck stop Ken pointed this out to me...The Sunday Night football announcer trucks! Now that's even more total sock rockage!! I must also add...GO PACK GO!!!! The team is looking fantstical out there & kicked some serious Lion heine...all without Favre!! Rodgers is full of talent! Now hopefully they can keep it up. Anytootles, seeing the truck just pumped us both up!!

My fingers stayed busy crocheting too!! A dozen or so sqaures for a project I'm working on....
9 dish cloths
I will be going with Ken the beginning of next week too...ahhh can't wait!!! Just hopefully there's no Mackinac involved!! ;)
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