I then gathered my big honkan kettle that I like use for EVERYTHING & this fantastical apron my neighbor gave me for my birthday. Oh, and yes, if you look at the photo closely you will indeed see a Christmas clock on the wall behind the stove. Totally forgot it up there & honestly, I rather enjoy hearing a Christmas Carol each hour.
Ok, so miss dorkface HAD to model the apron. Not saying you will need a dork for this recipe...but it may help to be a lil dorky. It makes things funner. Especially peeling & pitting that many peaches. So yeah, put on something fun to wear that reflects some inner dork & some quirk. Plus the earrings help & the necklace sent by a friend completed my lovely ensemble.
Ok, peaches marked with an X, water boiling submerge peaches into the boiling water for ohhh about 60 seconds. You'll notice the skin starting to pull away from the yummy fruit. strain & then dump peaches into cold water. (This helps to get those skins off)
Peal skins, cut in half, pit & put into hot jars. Oh, and by the way you make a simple syrup of water & sugar to pour over the fruit. Now, be sure there are no air bubbles or your goods will turn yucky & all that hard work would be for nill. Wipe rims of jars, adjust lids & rings, tighten & place them into a boiling water bath. I processed mine for about a half an hour. They sealed up swell!!
During the water bath time be sure to model & show off some more "inner dorkiness" I do soooo love this apron Mrs Rinne gave me. It totally saved my shirt today & the roosters on it made me giddy with glee!!!
Oh, Kathy, I love how you type of your posts...with all of your fun crazy wordings! You always make me chuckle w/your choice of words. Do you just type like that or do you also talk like that? Love the apron! I need to get me an apron some day. I guess my eyes haven't fallen on one that caught my attention!
I am so happy to see another Thankful Thursday and other posts too. Happy birthday late!!! See I was right that you shouldn't let one stupid little comment spoil something you love doing! I absolutly love reading about your offbeat adventures & crazy life. Please continue writing! See you, I mean, READ you next week!!
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