him in my life.
The second man in my life is my real Dad Jim. Yesterday was his birthday. He turned 53!!! I may not call him Dad but he's pretty darn tootan special to me!!! We have so many things in common & yup, I have my fair share of "jimmy-isms" I however did not inherit his eating habits of spaghettio's and hotdogs. But we've been known to polish off a can of Pringles & cheese in no time at all!!! =)
Lastly is Ken's Grandpa Woodbury. This man was amazing..beyond amazing!! I have several Heroes & he was one of them. He never complained when his body began failing him, worked hard, loved much, was very frugal. So frugal you could swear his butt squeaked. He had a rough shell but it didn't take long to crack. I could sit & listen to him for hours on end. The stories he had, the intelligence & wisdom he possessed & shared. Gpa was a trucker back in the olden days. Seeing the gleam in his eyes when we pulled up in the semi was the best. I'd find myself sitting back & watching Ken & Gpa talk about anything & everything. Gpa was an avid, ok I mean HARDCORE Red Sox fan his whole life. The year he was born the Bosox won their 1st World Series. He went on for 84 years waiting, and waiting, never giving up on his beloved team. He mentioned in August of 04 that his Bosox were not playing good ball but he continued to watch even though his eyesight had failed him. But the shadows on the tv were good enough for him. Well low & behold, the Boston Red Sox won the World Series in 2004!!!!! Gpa was able to enjoy a whole year of his Bosox being the champs & peacefully passed away on January 1, 2006 a short time after the ball dropped. I never really had Grandparents growing up but this man....he might as well been my Grandpa.

There you have it..three more very special men who have helped shaped me into what I have become. They have inspired me & even though Dad & Gpa W are no longer with us the memories of them enrich my life every day.
Below is a link to a video of a song that reminds me of these wonderful Men. It reminds me of when the family gathered around Dad's hospital bed & told him it was alright to go, we'd be ok. Of Jim walking me down the aisle giving me away to the love of my life, my Kenny. If Dad were living I would have had both him & Jim give me away. It's one memory I wish I could have had... & of Ken's Grandfather...for the many things he taught me.
1 comment:
Them are three nice guys you talked about. I'm glad they where part of your life.
P.S. Thats not a shower cap dad is wearing. It is a toilet seat cover.
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