I recently was looking through some of my crochet pattern books & wanted to start an afghan. Now keep in mind...I am only to buy yarn if needed for a project...hence why I checked my gynormous stash before I moseyed my more than happy to purchase butt to the store!! Guess what? I totally had everything I needed!! I substituted peach with yellow & off white with white. But other than that, I have want I need & have to admit I was flap jackin giddy about having the control to follow my words for 2009. I'll have you know, it wasn't easy...there's a pretty strong yearning for yarn with me!!
So, I've been working on that project & in the mean time want to start a hat, scarf, mitten set to match my ski jacket. PLUS I want to learn to knit. Well I know the basics but that was like 2yrs ago. I got so frustrated with knitting & yarn splitting & trying to manage my paws (hands) I am really beginning my left hand is just for decoration...or to flap around when I talk as it seems to have a mind of it's own & doesn't want to do what my brain needs it to do!! Anyways, I totally bought a learn to knit kit the other day...haven't used it yet but I did admire the pretty needles & looked through the projects & all the greek abbreviations. This learning is gonna be a doozy but I am oober determined!! I plan on making all sorts of fancy things...now hopefully they work out.
Now, this brings me to yesterday...our swellacious friends Sammi & Pat came over last night for home made chicken chilli. Sam had to run to Walmart for a couple things so we made a trip out of it. Ok, sooo my addiction set in...the yarn addiction that is. I had at least 10 different skeins of yarn in my hands at different times. Seriously folks, I think yarn is yummy, the colors, the texture & the hope of it making something fabulous just excites me!! Anyways, I kept putting the yarn back, picking up a new skein, putting it back. Then I spotted it!!! The most awesome-ist color ever!!! Yup, a shade of purple!!! AND the color is so close to the color of my ski jacket! I swear it was screaming "buy me, buy me, buy me" .....and I did!!! So what, I lasted a whole
whoppan 10 days into the year before buying yarn. BUT I must add that it has a project it will be used for. I didn't buy it "just because" like I would normally do. In fact after deciding this beautimus yarn would be coming home with me I picked up some more knitting needles (in the shade of purple mind you. I am certain by using these needles will totally give me some knitting mojo) and I picked up another knitting pattern booklet. Now if any luck I will use this pretty purple yarn, pretty purple needles & hopefully my left hand will work with me to knit up a lovely hat & mitten set for meself!!! =)
1 comment:
Oh Kathy, you crack me up! I love how you wrote this post!
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