Day 10, a picture of the person you do the most &%%#$%^$^%$# things with. It's pretty much Ken, BUT, to change it up a bit and to show that I do have a life outside of my hubby I am going to say my sister Jamie. She really brings out the extreme inner geekoid in me and when that happens all sorts of heck breaks loose!!

Like, we get inspired by Walmart and Menards bags and make ourselves a wardrobe, complete with bonnets!!

Then we walk across the alley to visit my ultra hip 70 something year old neighbor friend.

Oh, it's never a dull moment!! Laughs begin, tears are shed from laughing and good golly grapes, anybody that knows me knows that I snort when I laugh real hard. I am convinced it helps with my coolness factor....

Oh, and then there's times that we go to the local thrift store and try stuff on. Like these stylish swimming goggles. Jamie kept shouting, "everything is orange, I can't see!! Kathy, can you hear me? I cannot see! Take the picture, I cannot see!" I reminded her that the goggles were orange tinted. I almost peed my pants that day. Which would have been ok because they had a whole wall of adult diapers. Not that I want to wear them. But they had them nonetheless.

Then they had these ridiculous bonnets. Notice the placement of the pricetag. It was our attempt at being Minny Pearl. I don't think we pulled it off though. Maybe if we would have worn the goggles with the bonnets...hmmmm
1 comment:
How fun! And funny! I was thinking the same thing when I read these photo challenges...pretty much every one of them would be about Ben!
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