I don't think Ken even knows how much he inspires me. He is the kindest, most gentle, patient man I know. he is not afraid to follow his dreams and make them come true. He is also very forgiving. He loves his family so much and will do anything for them. He inspires me to be a better sister, daughter, auntie, cousin, niece and sister in law.
A part of me died when Nana did. She is still with me in my heart but I miss her soo much. She said it like it was, she strived to be the best person she could be, she was frivolous, loving and funny. One of the biggest ways she inspired me was through yarn. Yup, yarn. My mom taught me how to crochet when I was 5. I did little odds and end projects and as the years went by and I missed my Mom more, I put the hook away. Then Ken & I married in 96 and we went to meet his grandparents in Massachusetts. I took along two skeins of yarn and my crochet hook. During our stay I would sit on the chair crocheting, Nana sat down by me, told me I was holding my hook wrong, I should be using different colors (remember Nana said whatever was on her mind) She also showed me two new stitches. She inspired me to try new stitches, which lead to more involved projects. You see, without Nana knowing it, she gave me part of my Mom back that I missed sooo much and inspired me even further. It is from my mom and Nana that my love of yarn and crocheting came from.
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