On Day five the subject of the picture challenge is "your favorite memory." Now, I have sooo many memories. The day I met Ken, our wedding day, seeing my niece Jordyn being born, being given custody of our niece...I'm the type of gal that loves life and every moment is cherished. But, on April 1, 2010 I met Hank. Hank was one of the men who helped save my life when I was 5 days old. I was in a car accident with my Mom & Dad and their friend. Their friend, Joe, was killed instantly by the drunk driver who hit our car head on. Jim (my real dad) was ejected from the car and tossed into the ditch, Karen (my real mom) was crushed in the back seat and I was on the floor smushed behind the passenger seat. I have searched for the man or men who saved my life pretty much my whole life. Last spring when the maple trees were tapped at camp my brother bruce poked his eye with a stick. That got the guys talking about gruesome things. Hank (my brothers friend and neighbor) went on about this accident scene. All the pieces fell in place and I recieved a phone call that the man who pulled me from the car was up at camp.
On April 1, 2010 Ken & I went to Hanks house. He filled me in on what happened and told me there were three men there. On May 15, 2010 we had a picnic in honor of Hank and Doug, two of the men who saved my life. It was a dream come true meeting my heroes. I was surrounded by family and friends and these two wonderful men. It is because of their actions that I have had the pleasure of making many more "favorite memories"
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