As I mentioned in my previous post, I have been decorating. I have family & friends who are unable to come over & visit. So this is my way of inviting you into my home.
This is on top of my sewing cart. The plant is from Ken's cousin Kristie's funeral a few years ago. The wooden chest the plant sits on contains something superly special to me...My Mom's silverware. I'll have to showcase them this Turkey Day when we use them. They don't look like anything spectacular but they are rather neato!!

This picture sure turned out fuzzy!! It's of our dining room table...obviously!! I absolutely LOVE the pumpkin centerpiece! It was Ken's Nana's. My in-laws had been out East on a visit & apparently Nana was going to toss this adorable piece!! They brought it home for me =) A little pumpkin spiced candle fits perfectly!!

This is one of my curio cabinets in my dining room. There are 2 other built in ones. This one houses my Memier's dishes and some other miscellanious crystal things. Memier is French for Grandmother. If we went bloodwise my Memier would in fact be my gret grandmother. She was my real Dad's grandmother. I know, so confusing! In my case I just called her Memier. =)

This is the back wall in my den. The walls seriously need to be re-done in this room! The cedar shilgles painted mint green makes me ill!! The wreath makes me happy though. =)

Now I take you to our living room. I just love this tongue & groove wooden block wall. Ken contemplated taking it out when we re-painted the room last summer. I obviously won that one! =) I get the big wood wall & he gets all the gadgetries a man desires. My angel is now holding an autum leaf!! Have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE Fall!!!

This next picture has nothing to do with fall. But I like it. It hangs on one of the walls in our living room. We picked up this quilt while in Massachusetts visiting Nana. The saying means the world to us. Not too many years ago we were living in a semi for the most part, when we came home we stayed in a camper parked at his parents house.

This lil display is behind the front door. Each year my friend Amber gave me one of these adorable angels that represent different things. I should point out. If you look at any of the wall hangings on the walls in our home you will notice they are not the "norm" Ken & I enjoy getting out in nature & taking pictures. We blow up the photos & frame them.

This is where my tortoise Chloe Michelle lives. Even she is all decorated up for Fall!!! I made the frames a couple weeks ago from lil baby pinecones we picked at Ken's family's camp this summer. Still looking for the perfect photos to put in there!!

I don't really know what I was thinking when I took a photo of this end table...

My living room. Yeah, you're seeing correctly...there seems to be a drunkan Santa STILL in my living room!! Oh well, it's EXACTLY one month until I start bringing out the Christmas decorations!! I guess he can stay there...However it's time he sobered up & stand up!!

I hope you've enjoyed your "visit" Stop by some time eh!!
Wow, that was so awesome to get a virtual tour of your house! Maybe I need to do that too! I couldn't find Chloe! Love ya!
Chloe was in the bathtub having her daily soak when I took the photo. I'll have to post some pics of her cuteness!!
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