Well, needless to say, the adopting stuff took a royal crap, as our normal luck goes. But as usual we got back up, put the pieces of our heart somewhat back together . It's a place neither of us will allow ourselves to go again. We've lost so much & picking up the pieces never gets easy. But, we've managed to go on with life. It took me awhile to use this room for any functional purpose other than a place to house the litter pans for Buster & Betsey. But I am now pleased & absolutely luv this amazing place! It was started out with such love & hope. In this room I now hope to create loving pieces of craftyness. Below are the before & after pics. Meaning...all set up for kiddo & to the now ultra fabulous Kathy's Krafty Korner!! I couldn't be more stoked!!
See the yellow blankie draped over the back of the crib? My Mom made that for me when I was in Readiness Kindnergarden to use during "nap/rest time" I cherish such things so much. It now sits on the shelf in the den. I'm trying to figure out a way to incorporate it into our bedroom.

She only got to play with this little kitchen a couple times. It now sits in our attic collecting dust. I'm thinking I could give it to my lil baby niece or my cousin who is opening up a fabulous daycare in her home!!

I found this adorable lamp on Ebay & totally had to have it!!
I made the cushions for the rocking chair ken's folks gave us...we were all set to spend nights rocking & lul-a-bye-ing.
Now, this is what I've transformed this baby space into! It's a craft room/office!! I've still got some work to do in there. Man, the craft stuff I have!! Yesterday I worked on the cleaning part & got inspired to make some Christmas cards. Notice a few of the blue colored jars my fabulous friends Sam & Pat gave me? I couldn't use them for food. Well I could have but to me they are way too pretty!!! They have found a new purpose now...holding my pens, markers, colored pencils, craft scissors, shells...you name it. They friggen rock!! Thank you Sammers & Pat!!

This is another windowsill in the room. I have miscellaneous things to put in the jars. This one has shells from Coco Beach in Florida. Buttons, acorns, pine cones & who knows what else will find a home in the other ones. I'm still working on cleaning remember...lol
This is one of my most favoritist things in life...YARN!!! And I have plenty!! I have it all organized by the rainbow color palette. It's so wunnaful being able to see just what I've got. I tend to go out and buy yarn just for funzies. There is a slight addiction to my yarn buying.
This part of the closet houses a small portion of my fabric. In that gorgeous basket I keep my embroidery threads. The basket was the one I bought at the gas & Steam engine show. Remember that Red Owl box I wrote of this summer that I got at a rummage sale? That now sits on the closet floor & holds stray balls of yarn from past projects. It makes me smile every time I see it. Brings me back to my childhood of weekend grocery shopping trips with Mom & Dad.
This is another part of my scrappin desk. I love how it looks out the window. Yeah, I still get the litter pans in my room. But that's ok. They will stay cleaner this way anyways. As who in tarnation would want to work in a cat smelling space? Plus the whole Pooh thing rocks my socks!!
Go Spartans!! Yup, still a big MSU gal!! The picture is blurry but in the rack there I have myriads of papers to fart around with.

I also have another desk area in this space. It's my old vanity. Actually it was my sister Chrissy's & then Laurie's...and now mine. I wish I knew how to insert a photo & move it around. I'm sure it will be included in another post...at another time. I've still got A LOT of cleaning to do up there! This is just a smidgen I've showed.

I found this adorable lamp on Ebay & totally had to have it!!

This is another windowsill in the room. I have miscellaneous things to put in the jars. This one has shells from Coco Beach in Florida. Buttons, acorns, pine cones & who knows what else will find a home in the other ones. I'm still working on cleaning remember...lol

I also have another desk area in this space. It's my old vanity. Actually it was my sister Chrissy's & then Laurie's...and now mine. I wish I knew how to insert a photo & move it around. I'm sure it will be included in another post...at another time. I've still got A LOT of cleaning to do up there! This is just a smidgen I've showed.
Anytootles...I've been ooberously busy cleaning, getting back to "me", crafting & all that fancy stuff. It took me many months to allow myself to claim this room as my own. My heart is healing & I am totally diggin having this Eeyoreiffic room to craft & do paperwork in!! =)
1 comment:
Oh Kathy my heart goes out to you for writing this post. I'm so so sorry that you guys are at the point where you're not saving the room for a baby! I think you had it decorated awesomely! Braylon is going to be dressed in a Winnie The Pooh costume this year. To me it looks like you decorate like me...when you choose a theme...there is no doubt about the theme when you step into the room. Braylon's room is Noah's Ark & you can tell the moment you step in! Becuz there's Noah's Ark & animal stuff every where! But I'm glad to see that something good is coming out of this room for you! I would love to be able to have my very own scrapbook room! That is such a creative way to use those green canning jars! I am so impressed! But there is one thing I am disappointed in...seeing that MSU garbage can! Now that is garbage! GO BLUE! :) I didn't know you were a Spartan fan! Can we still be friends? :) GO BLUE! Just wanted to make sure you know where I stand! GO BLUE! :)
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