I spent much of the morning cleaning but this afternoon I took some "Kathy Time" Recently I ran across a pattern on how to make sock monkeys. You can find the pattern I followed at
http://www.craftbits.com/viewProject.do?projectID=1104 I thought,
hmm what the heck & I wanted to craft something funtastical & quirky for my nieces.
I purchased a pair of quirky striped socks....

are the markings for the construction of what will become the legs & body of
lil Miss Sock Monkey...all done while the sock is inside-out

All sewn up on each side of my drawn line...and ready to cut to form the legs

She's got legs & the grey part is her fannie...think she's got some junk in her trunk???

Turn it right side out & I began stuffing the crotch....oh my, that sounds dirty!! When I spoke to Ken this afternoon on the phone he asked what I was up to. Which I replied "stuffing a monkey's crotch" Go figure he calls
whie I am doing this!!!
Now I take the other sock, turn it inside-out & mark it as shown. The thin side will become the tail & the remainder will become the arms and ears and mouth for Miss Monkey.

Sewing & cutting....

Cut the other half of the sock as shown below. The right part become 2 arms, the middle grey piece the mouth & the left is used to make the ears.

Once all pieces are sewn together & stuffed sew them into their position....She's looking like a monkey now!!!!

Add the finishing touches...ears, eyes & a smile & you have one
funtastical sock monkey!!! The pattern I followed was very easy to follow & I totally recommend it if Monkey-
ing around is in
your future!!! =) Now I've got to make a handful more of these for the nieces & nephew!! =)

Them monkeys look so cute!! I wish I could do something like them!! You are a really talented person!! Keep up the good job!!
Oh, Kathy, I love the sock monkey! Wow, you do such an awesome job! You say, it's just so simple, but seriously, girl, not for me! You don't realize but it takes natural talent to sew the way you do...or the passion to learn! My mom made my nephew a sock monkey awhile back.
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