Tonight my lil brother JJ is spending the night & we decided to carve pumpkins. Haven't done this in years!!

being manly men with knives!!

JJ hasn't carved in years so this was a blast!

Ken & I with our pumpkins

all lit up...left to right: JJ's skeleton head, ken's ummm weird pumpkin. It was supposed to be a tree but he didn't like how it was turning out so he created this umm odd thing. He's not known for his patience when it comes to creating/ crafting type things. Then mine on the far right.

Ken's goofy do I love my weirdo hubby!!! Would it be bad to call this pumpkin Ken? JK

My kitty on the mound of pumpkins pumpkin

JJ & I with our creations
While JJ & I finished our carving Ken began washing the seeds & preparing them to bake. After we took the pics outside & came in the house the salted seeds were ready to enjoy.
Cool pumpkins! I love you Christmas count down. I added it to my blog also! Thanx!
Boy, You all did a good job on craving your pumpkins. As for the seeds that didn't sound too good to eat!
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