I went on a road trip with the hubbykins last Tuesday afternoon & didn't get home till Thursday night. I rarely, if ever take my computer on the road with us.
Thursday night after my brother's birthday get together ken & I went to Wally World to pick up a few things & search out Halloweenie costumes. We found nothing. I got home, went online to see if I could get any ideas...it was a no-go so I shut the computer down. I started thinking about Christmas, and putting up our Christmas tree. That was it! We got out of our jammies & went back to the store & bought the fabric & accessories for a Christmas tree costume. I sewed until 3am & worked on it till 5am!! All I needed was some battery operated Christmas lights to complete the costume. We went to Menard's the following morning & found solar lights!! How fantastical! It was a splurge $ wise but I'm going to use them on the fence in the back yard. (We don't have an outlet back there)
Ok, I have everything I need now so we go to Shopko to rent the Rug Dr & look at costumes for Ken. I'm not kidding you when I say we had people flocking to the aisle we were in to see what was so funny. I a loud laughter & you get me laughing I go into a fit of snorts!!! Ken had found a Hilary Clinton mask!!! Now if you know Ken at all you only know a chill, go with the flow, almost shy-ish guy. I assure you, he gives me a run for the $ in the oddness department!! He looked for something along the pantsuit idea on the hung costume rack. Found nothing. But we found a cute lil french maid costume on clearance for 60% off!! My Christmas tree costume ended up a bit too short & bending over would have been a huge no-no. So, why not buy the maid outfit. It could come in handy if we ever have a Murder Mystery party right!!!!

Yeah right, we woke up yesterday with total unsettled bellies & my body was achey, head just a poundin. It was not gonna be a swell morning...especially with one pottie room!!! So we started doping up on meds so we'd be able to attend the party...well needless to say we weren't well enough to go. =( I'm sad. We looked forward to this party for weeks!!! Bah.
You both look so cute together!! I would of liked to see you in the Chritmas tree costume!!
Neat costumes! Yes, I agree, you need to post a pic of you in your Christmas tree costume. Just don't bend over the pic! :)
Oh you should TOTALLY do a murder mystery game with those costumes -they'd be perfect!!
Leigh Clements
The Mystery Maiden
Shot In The Dark Mysteries.com
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