Wooo Hoooo! Fever broke last night after 5 days of feeling like complete monkey butt with some sort of flu/cold business. My Christmas decorationaliing had been on the back burner all week! Totally uncool!! But, today my lil brother came over & we took ALL of the Christmas stuff down from the attic. I won't go up there by myself...it's haunted..no joke!! It has metal crosses nailed in each corner...and I ain't movin them! Anyways, I had my backup in JJ just in case sumthin odd happened.
We bought a new tree for our bedroom this year...well I decided to use it in the den instead!!! =)

Two things I NEVER do on a Christmas tree...use colored lights or mis matched ornies. I'm one of those weirdos who need everythign to match & have order. Well this year I decided to try something different & use colored lights. I also used our old ornies, ornies from Ken's Christmas tree, ornies Ken made when he was a kiddo & some we've made ourselves. Ya know what? I absolutely LOVE it!!! It means so much having these memorable ornies on the tree. The felt gingerbread man Ken made in Kindnergarden, a potpouri ball we used as decoartion at our wedding hangs from it. It's hard to believe that lil lacey sacet is almost 13yrs old...where does time fly. There are ornies we used in our 1st apartment, ornies we made when we had no $ to purchase some. Ya know, each of these ornaments has a story. A very special story. I could gaze at this tree for hours. We decided each year we'd make a special ornament for this tree. You might notice we have no angel or star atop the tree...that's what we're going to make this year =)

Girl you are way ahead and that is great. I want my things up and im sure it will happen soon. Looks great.
Thank you Brenda =)
Looks great, Kathy! I can't believe you already have trees up! I don't think about that til after Thanksgiving! :)
Holy Cow. You do good work on the trees. When I put lights on it looks like a big blob on the tree. Wish I had your talent!!!
Boy Kath I really love them light blubs you did. You did a good job.
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