Ya know, I haven't done a "Thankful Thursday" post in some time. I think my posts reflect on my thankfulness though. But tonight I want to address how thankful I am to be an American.
I have probably at one point in time taken being born an American for granted. I have always been proud to be an American though. I bet some may know where I'm going with this...How Mrs Obama is "for the 1st time proud to be an American" Well that urks me to no end.
I know the country is in a mess right now but can you imagine how much worse it could be & is in other countries? I know I am very fortunate to have been born in a hospital, have food, shelter, clothing, family...not all countries have this. I was privileged to attend school & college too. In some countries that is not possible. We as women have the right to vote, and be anything we want to be. Those rights have always been there for my generation. It's our forefathers who fought for us to have that right. I think some people take that for granted.
Most people know who I voted for & I'm honored I was able to voice my opinion in the form of a vote. It wasn't the outcome I had hoped for, but I will always support my country & my President...even in the bad times. Mr Obama sure has his work cut out for him. I think if one is for the 1st time proud to be an American perhaps they should do some thinking...if you weren't an American you would not have had the opportunity to vote, attend College, have babies in safe places, have schools for your children, safe water, shelter, etc etc. I was very privileged to have been born in this country & have ALWAYS been & will ALWAYS be proud & thankful to be an American.
Crocheted Baby Hats
1 day ago
I wasn't really talking about eating disorders.. Although I too know how they can consume you. Cause I've been on and off with them for approx. 11 years or so.. I'm doing good in that aspect.. I was just talking about like.. the way I dress and stuff. =) Thank you for caring! Love you!!
I wasn't really talking about eating disorders.. Although I too know how they can consume you. Cause I've been on and off with them for approx. 11 years or so.. I'm doing good in that aspect.. I was just talking about like.. the way I dress and stuff. =) Thank you for caring! Love you!!
I wasn't really talking about eating disorders.. Although I too know how they can consume you. Cause I've been on and off with them for approx. 11 years or so.. I'm doing good in that aspect.. I was just talking about like.. the way I dress and stuff. =) Thank you for caring! Love you!!
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