Ugh! Ya ever just have "one of those days" type of days? Today was such a day for me. I actually slept a bit last night. When I woke up I knew I was going to have a (excuse the language) but a pissy type of day. I tried to get my head in the right frame of mind & stay positive...which I pretty much did. I was just a tad pissy is all. It's a good thing the hubbykins was on the road.
So, I got up, let the pups outside & called my Kenny to wish him a good morning. He answered the phone "good morning beautiful" knowing full well I look like my head has been in a blender all night!! Such a sweet hubby I have. So that should make me cheery right? So I went on to tell him my plans for the day. Bills to pay, errands to run, projects to work on, dishes, snowblowing...ya know the whole house cleaning type thing. I told him I wasn't sure what to do 1st. Total scatterbrained morning here!!!
Thoughts going through my head.....should I shower 1st & run my errands? Noooo that wouldn't make sense because I have to snowblow in order to get the pickup unburied. So, obviously I wouldn't take a shower & go outside with a wet head! It was a jeepan 13 degrees out! So, keep in mind I am running through these ideas to ken...on the phone & he is patiently listening. Yup, like I said...Ken=great hubby!!! So Ken mentions I should get more gas for the snowblower. Now in the condition I was in this morning I would NOT, I repeat NOT even go to the gas station in the visual condition I was in. So that leads me back to...should I take a shower, then back to NO idiot! That makes no sense!! This is how my whole day went! I am never indecisive. If I say I am going to do something, I do it!!! End of discussion.
I ended up brushing my crazy hair, throwing on a hat, scarf & even my boots. Total bundled up...then it hits me! CRAP! Now I gotta pee! Now when one is all bundled up the task of using the pottie is not so easy. But I did it & got all "pissy" once again! So back outside I went, now all heated up & warm. My in laws dropped their dog off for the weekend. So we now have 6 dogs in our home for a few days. Well Benji has to be right in front of my next step. My hat (which I NEVER wear) is falling off, my hair is getting in my face & I'm feeling a bit swampy!! Anytootles, I went outside & snowblowed for a good half hour to an hour. Then I said hello to Mrs Rinne for a bit & my scarf began choking me...once again making me all irritated & feisty.
I get into the house & see that my adorable dogs, most likely it was Arizona got into my quilt batting for Ken's memory quilt!! I upset-ing-ly pick up the mess all while Zoney is trying to kiss me. I tell here she's a this, that & the next thing (some colorful words) She continues to kiss me so I feel bad for calling my dog a little B****. By now the dogs were all excited at my snowy boots so I figure I will let them outside to play for a bit...all 6 of em mind you. Well low & behold Benji takes off because my 5 are going complete ape SH**! Benji does this often. He goes back to my in-laws which is a block away. But bless his heart he came back when I called & coaxed him. Whew...crazy lady doesn't have to run down the alley trying to catch him & risk slippen on her heine!!!
Ok, back in the house I turn on the tv, try to relax...NOT working!!! Too many things I need or feel I should be doing, ideas running through my head & just this feeling of being in a pissy mood. All this for no real reason. Like I said, my whole day was like this.
So, I sit on my recliner. That always makes me happy but jeepers! My pants slid right off my arse & my shirt went up! So now I have an exposed butt & my gut is hangin out!! That = unhappiness for me!! I know many guys don't mind the plumber butt or their tummies hangin out. But not me!!! So, I put on my belt. My good belt is in the Indiana with Ken!! This belt sucks & digs into my tummy....makes me highly irritated! Dogs are sensing my irritability & all up in my business & I am hungry by this point.
I eat a bowl of cereal because I don't even want to cook. I turn on the tv, sit back in the recliner, pants slip down again! Upstairs I tromp for sweatpants!!! Sweatpants = a happy Kaffy =) I turn on the surround sound for the tv & it's flippen LOUD!!! I turn it down, it's still loud as all heck. This is not good...I turn on Christmas music. Now we all know that makes me one slap happy gal. Not this time!!! Silver bells was on & things were still unbearably loud. I get to thinkin, when things get this loud & annoying it usually means I am gonna have one doozy of a MM attack. That CANNOT happen!!!
So, I call my ultra fab friend Sam, turn the phone down to it's lowest volume (she's a cool loud friend) Bless her heart, she chilled me out!! We talked about crocheting & other crafty things. Then, I get this bright idea that I want to change my tree around in the living room. I do love it so much but I got a thought that a country theme would be nice. I told her she needs to talk me out of it. Well, I am happy to report I got my head out of my butt & decided to keep the tree just as it is...for now at least.
In my phone conversations I keep telling Ken that I am so irritated for no reason today. He's confused, as am I. I tell him maybe "aunt flo" is coming soon. We laugh.
Fast forward to this evening. My lil brother Josh stops over. I cut up sausage & cheese & we munch away. The crackers are too salty & I can't taste the sausage! Then my lil brother JJ calls with some real neato news!
JJ shot a buck with my Dad's gun tonight. And today is (would be) Dad's birthday. I knew it was dad's birthday, but I let all the little things irritate me today. It always seems I get irritated or emo-ish around Mom or Dad's birthdays & the anniversaries of their deaths. Without JJ even knowing it, he brought me happiness. I can only imagine how proud my dad (JJ's Grandpa) would be for shooting the deer. JJ is pretty darn touched by the whole thing too. What a fantastic event to end a not too swell day!!!
Crocheted Baby Hats
1 day ago
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