Loaded up the blender & pureed the bazoinkels outta the chunks
And whaaalaaa! We have a total of 16 cups of fresh pumpkin puree for breads, pies, cookies & who knows what else I'll make. I suggest setting aside a couple hours for this. I had figured it would take a half an hour tops to clean them & get them ready to bake...WRONG!!! It took 3!!!
After that task was finished I cleaned up the kitchen, emptied & ran the dishwasher, swept, scrubbed the floor, etc. I now have a clean kitchen =) Well for the time being...
I tidied up the house a bit, did a batch of laundry. My neck is still sore since Saturday morning. I either slept wrong or dancin to "Black Betty" Friday night did me in. So I figured I'd work on my sit still type tasks.

Logan's afghan is finished...
Also made some mittens & a scarf for special lil ladies in my life while I watched a movie "Christmas in the Clouds".
Logan's afghan is finished...
Tomorrow will be a much more productive day! I plan on going to bed at a decent hour. Which means, before 5am!! Ken's on the road so that means I rarely sleep. Tomorrow I will tackle the den and take the Christmas decorations upstairs after I put the Christmas Village we painted out on display. Tonight when I go to bed my jewelry making supplies will be taken to my craft room.
Hopefully I will have some time tomorrow to work on the memory quilt. The pieces are cut & the rows have been laid out & put back in order. Now I just need to park my fannie in front of the machine.
Boy you like to keep busy. I wish I had your talent to be so creative. with all your knitting and crocheting you should be in one of them crafts sales.
Now that was one busy day! My day consisted of shopping, a couple loads of laundry, re-heat leftovers, and a few gift tags. Hubby was off for Veterans Day, I really do not get much done while he is home. ;o)
Have a great day!
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