Another goal of mine is to drop 50lbs...yes, 50. I am ashamed to even say that I would be at a healthy weight if I lost 50lbs. My goal is not far fetched. Spring has sprung for the time being & this gal is going to take full advantage of it.
Tomorrow afternoon I have a date with a dear friend, and we're going jogging!! I am hoping I will be able to have an every other day biking schedule and on the days I am not biking I will take walks, jogs, do tummy crunches, jumping jacks...basically whatever it takes!! I also want to take out my Pilate's & Yoga DVDs and immerse myself into that. I'm hoping it will unclutter my busy brain, make me more focused, get in touch with myself and work on regaining some of the balance Meniere's has taken away from me. I'm going to need some pillows on either side to cushion those falls that I am certain to have.
I like the enthusiasm! Don’t bury yourself in too many goals - that way you cannot beat yourself up if you don’t keep them.
I’d love to go on a bike ride with you! Let’s see, if I figure out the time difference, maybe one day we could be on our bikes at the same time. I have to say, I love to yoga idea, but then, I love yoga something fierce (hence the other blog). Also, I love that you say spring has sprung, but clearly there is snow still on the ground. I love that! We have the same thing here. It snowed 9 inches on Friday. I have daffodils in the front yard, and an ice fort in the back. It is nuts and I love it!
Your comment today was great - I am no longer surprised when we find something else out we have in common! I saw on your profile you're a Virgo, too - weird, weird, weird!
Sounds like we have a virtual bike riding date!! I am on Eastern Standard Time. =)
We have shoots of flowers just beginning to emerge in the flower beds & the lilac tree is beginning to bud. The boat harbor here in town still has a thick layer of ice and the avid ice fishers are still driving their 4x4 trucks out there!! Too scary if you ask me.
It's so deja vu when I read your posts Melanie and see the similarities. How stinkan neato that you are a Virgo as well!!
Wow, I am impressed! You, go, girl! Good luck to all of your goals!!!
Thanks a bunch Jewel!! You rock =)
I like the idea of adding your goal to the side bar... every bit of motivation helps!
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