Welcome to a corner of my craft room. I would like to introduce you to one of my sewing machines. This one is near and dear to my heart. This was Ken's Nana's machine and it was given to me after she passed away. I was completely honored the family would entrust her to me. I've had it since June and for some reason my heart could just not use it. But, it's time to put her to work. I believe it will be another step in the healing process. Plus, I love to sew and my recent "blowout" of my most favorite pair of capris has me itching to make some garments. I'm no seamstress by anymeans and I learn as I go. My hopes are high, I am determined, and Nana's memory will guide me.

I will use this cotton below

To make this white top. I also love the lines of the top right shirt. If this 1st shirt goes well, I am totally making more.

This peachy fabric will be made into...

a pretty skirt. Ken stood at the counter and had the worker cut his fabric for me. I'm going to have plenty extra. That's ok, if all goes well, I will use the remainder for a sundress. I adore the bottom left skirt the most. I am sure I will play around with different fabrics for a few skirts to add to my wardrobe.

For the next garment I am going to use this fun, retro-ish fabric to make....

a sundress!!! Isn't the dress that the model is wearing just fantastic? The bottom right dress also tickles my fancy. I can totally see myself whipping up a half dozen of these in various shades, textures and fabrics. The possibillities are endless!!

Between sanding the drywall, laundry, bike rides, baking, and gardening I shall be working in my craft room creating what I hope to be, wearable pieces.
You sew girl! I noticed the radio tucked into the corner. What do you listen to while you sew?
I'm so eager to begin these projects. It will definatley test my knowledge and language skills. I have a tendancy of getting mad & a few words splurt out. I could use your control on that, Melanie.
I don't listen to anything in particular when I sew. Sometimes it's the radio, a mixed country cd, some Michael Buble', Train. Sometimes I crank those crazy 80's hairbands, sometimes I pop in classical piano tapes. The sky is the limit when it comes to music selections for me. I listen to it all. How bout you? Do you have any favorite tunes you listen to while sewing or doing other domestic goddess type chores?
Wow, you are amazing. I can't tell you that enough! I am so impressed w/your sewing talents. I wish I lived closer to you!!!
Jewel, you are way too kind. I don't have sewing talents at all. LOL I mean, I can sew, but I wouldn't call it talent. I'm just hoping these garments work out. Sewing is definately not my forte.
I am totally in love with the retro-ish material. Where did you happen to run across that? Would love to see if I could find that here.
I can't wait to see your creations, been gluing myself to my machine as well as of late and I am loving it. Next on my list are dresses for Kayla out of daddy's old work shirts, super excited about those.
The retro fabric came from Walmart. I'm in love with it also.
You have made some very awesome items.
Thanks....darn it all..our Walmart here took out their fabric section. Maybe I will go check into another one that is near by (actually closer but in slummy side of town), hope they have it there or I will have to hunt down one that does!
Thanks on the compliment, I have been having a very good love affair with my machine as of late! hehe
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