This past weekend we made a raised garden box.

Once the box was made it was time to get some soil!! It's a total bummer that our city moved the community compost pile to the dump and the public no longer has access to it. =( So, we set out to Menard's & bought organic topsoil & peat moss. They were all out of compost/manure. Seeing Ken said it was pertinent we add manure to the soil we went to our local lawn & garden store. Ken said I would have to ask the guy for what we needed. The man asked, "can I help you?" I went blank.....and said, "I need poop!!" The man laughs, Ken goes, "OMG!! Katherine!!!" He then tells the man, we need MANURE!!! Anyways, they didn't get their shipment in yet so our soil remains poopless for the time being. I do have a large garbage can of our own compost to add to the soil though. I'm hoping that saving those banana peels and other fruity scraps really set our garden up for a successful season.

I envision crisp lettuce, dark green spinach, vines of cukes, zucchini and butternut squash. Green peppers will grace the garden and the radishes will keep pests away & add total deliciousness to our salads. I hope the bunnies don't get to our carrots & broccoli. . We're going to also grow corn & our pole beans will climb the stalks. The bush beans and wax beans will be AWESOME!!! The jalapeno peppers will be grown in containers again.
I am hoping to secure a plot at the community garden to grow a boat load of tomatoes. The herbs will be in window boxes & be wunnaful tasty additions to our meals. We are also planting zinnias and Iponopsis in the flowers bed to attract the humming birds, sunflowers to bring us a smile and provide our feathered friends nourishment, along with other petaled beauties. The lilac tree is beginning to bud and the first signs of the tulips, daffodils and iris's are beginning to emerge from the soil. Spring is on it's way!!
I hope you don't mind the sheer dorkiness of the video. I had no clue Ken was recording. You'll see by my face...and then a couple colorful words.
Happy Gardening!!
Oh my goodness! That is alot of produce you're planning there! I wish I lived closer to you so I could reap the benefits! :)
I would totally share my produce with you Jewel!!! Then we'd make our boys yummy meals, make salsa, stewed tomatoes, jams, jellies, and all that fun stuff. Then I'd play trains with Braylon =)
Woo Hoo... I LOVE the picket fence in the background! Cute as can be!
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