Things are calming down here. We took McKenzie to our normal vet today & she will have surgery tomorrow to have the growth removed. Thank goodness, someone finally listened and is doing their job.
We had a great day today. We took the pups to camp to run off oodles of energy they had all festered up, worked in the yard, went to the compost site, put the patio furniture out, grilled out and had a bonfire. It was a great, sunshiney day with my hubbykins.
I know I went into some pretty personal and deep emotions in my previous post. All too often people think I am always happy go lucky saying my goofy words. I am usually happy go lucky, go with the flow and positive. But, I am human. I think that previous post proved that.
One of the many things I love about my relationship with my husband is that we are not afraid to discuss things. We lay it all out on the line, hold nothing back. We work through all problems life throws at us. If he had a blog I am certain he'd have a post or two like the one I had yesterday. He also gets discouraged with me. We stayed up till the wee hours of the morning discussing his feelings and thoughts as well as mine. The thing with Ken & I is, we are both pretty stubborn and rather outspoken. Sometimes he says things that hurt my feelings and sometimes I say things that hurt his feelings. We both do it.
It's not easy for him to deal with me feeling like crud as often as I do. He is so frustrated with Meniere's taking so much of my life. I don't blame him one bit. I am not too fond of meniere's either. He has some family crap that is weighing on him right now, we're both worried about our Mckenzie Elizabeth. Yes, my dog has a middle name...all our pets do. =) We both have thoughts and emotions about my one sister who is going into premature labor. We both agree, we'd never put ourselves out to adopt ever again. I told him how much it hurt me that we didn't go to camp to meet my rescuer, and we discussed my other sister who kept her pregnancy a secret.
We both had several things festering within ourselves. It just so happens, that we both cracked at the same time. We don't fight often at all. But I believe if you are comfortable with your mate you can have some heated discussions. Believe me, those even happen to us. All too often people see Ken & I think we are always so honkey dorey. Well, we're not, not always. We're two humans with deep emotions, a slight smidgen of bullheadedness, and outspoken.
Those three things just so happen to be three of the many things that attract me to my hubby. Tomorrow is our 14th wedding anniversary. We will bring our Kenzie pup to the vet for her surgery, maybe go to the deli for a bagel & sit by the phone waiting for an update. If all goes well Ken will be going on the road. Pending Kenzie's condition we may all go trucking. I want to thank you for allowing me to vent on my blog, and be a real person, and most of all for being a wunnaful friend. Things are looking up =)
Not Your Typical Amish Home (18 Photos)
1 hour ago
1 comment:
THANK YOU for sharing YOU on your blog!!! I love getting glimpses of your life & oh so wish that we lived closer so I could hang out w/you in the real world and not just thru cyberspace! :)
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