A good Bloggy friend, Melanie, recently did a post on laughter. I took it personally when she said she encourages you (in my mind, meaning me...)to write down what makes you (again, meaning ME) laugh. Remember, I took her post personally. She didn't come out and say, "Hey, Kat, write down what makes you laugh" But, I'm gonna do it...cuz I'm cool like that!! Beware: I laugh at some pretty bizarre off the wall things.
When my dogs fart. It gets me every stinkan' time!! Brayden runs up the stairs and loud pops come out of him, McKenzie is known to do big ole' stretches & let one rip. She then gives her butt a mean look, looks at me like I did something & goes back to sleep. I'm not even kidding, it gets me every time!!
I get the giggle squirts when people use silly words. Yes, I love grammar & find great joy in diagramming sentences. I even edited my friend's book. That's how much I LOVE grammar. I also like random, nonsensical ooberously sillified words that provide the most quirky run on sentences.
When Ken dances randomly. I'm not talking about a calm dance. I'm talking about when a song comes on when we're cooking in the kitchen and he wiggles his butt, claps his hands, does some sort of pelvic Elvis like thrust!! He's a nut!! He also does a pretty stellar impersonation of Urkel, Flipper and a cow's moooooo.
Kids. In general kids make me giggle. The way they look at their surroundings and the innocent ways they verbally respond to something. They are by far the most blunt, say it as it is, humans ever.
I sometimes find myself giggling at a project I'm working on. Or if I'm spinning yarn.
My pets. The way Arizona pounces on her toy with her front paws, the way Macey's whole body wiggles when she's excited, when Allison stares at the sky when we ask her where the birds are, McKenzie's awkward ears (we wouldn't have them clipped), Brayden being such a boinging boy. You'd swear he had a lil tigger in him. Our cats Buster & Betsey. Betsey trying to clean her belly, she's so darn chubby. Buster sitting up on his hind legs while rubbing his face with his front paws.
Old couples. No, I'm not laughing AT them, I think it's so darn tootan cute when elderly couples are still in love. You can see it in their eyes and their actions. I don't know how seeing that doesn't make someone doesn't get smiley when they see that.
My tortoise, Chloe. She bobs her head as if she's jammin to some reggae. I don't know why she does this, but when I say her name, she pokes her lil head out and rocks out.
The dog park in Chicago that we go by a couple times a week when we are on the road.
On a couple occasions I saw my fish fart. I know, another fart thing. But seriously, I had my face up to the tank watching it suck on the glass. It began doing it's "business". I should have removed my face from the glass but those sucky lips attached to the glass amuse me. Apparently I was infringing on his privacy & all of a sudden a poof of poo proceeded by bubbles came out of "that" area. I backed up, quickly telephoned Ken and told him I saw our fish fart!!
Hearing someone else having a good belly rolling, gut busting, loud, snorting laugh!!
I don't know about you but I'd be completely lost without my daily dose of laughter!! I double dog dare ya to make a list of what makes you smile or laugh. =)
The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. ~e.e. cummings
Not Your Typical Amish Home (18 Photos)
1 hour ago
"Hey, Kat, write down what makes you laugh!" There, you're completely covered now.
So glad you did this. Fun, isn't it? Have your hubby do it, too!
LOL!! Your comment is making me laugh. =)
I will absolutely have Ken do this.
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