I'm a planner and a list maker. I have lists of projects that I have planned that have their own lists. I've addressed my somewhat compulsive list making many times.
Today's list is all about my raised garden box layout. I'm adopting the idea of square foot gardening, however, my squares are 1' X 16". After researching what plants get along with others, and which don't go hand and hand, I've come up with this layout:

This layout plan is not completely
definite however. I called the
MSU extension here in town and inquired about purchasing/renting a plot of land at our community garden. Each plot at our Community garden is 30' X 30' and it's only $25 for the season. That's including water!! I won't know if I have a plot until May 3rd though. If I am awarded a plot I will plant oodles upon oodles of tomatoes and corn,
broccoli and cauliflower. In the meantime, I have to get the garden box ready. I know it still needs more compost. We'll be getting it this weekend. So, today I marked off my boxes and wrote on the inside of the box what will be planted where. I can pretty much see the veggies growing, picking a fresh garden salad, roasting ears of corn and popping a sun warmed strawberry right. in. my. mouth. There are no nasty chemicals used in my gardens. I won't be spending hours scrubbing waxy, filmy, pesticide, chemically fertilized veggies. Nope. The veggies and the flowers we grow do so naturally.

After I had fun in the back I ventured to the front garden beds. Daffodils and tulips are peeking up out of the soil.

Soon bright shades of yellow, pinks, purples, reds and oranges will be in full bloom.

The front side garden is perking up with sprouts too. Soon, the iris' and crocus' will be in bloom under the lilac tree.
Lookie here!! I'm not sure what this is called but it was at Ken's Nana's house. Nana loved this plant & she always said that after she passed away she'd like it planted at her grave. She had so much of it growing so we took a little slip of it to take home. If you look down by the base of the twiggy branch you'll see new growth just beginning to come up.

"I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden." ~Ruth Stout
Looks like you are well on your way to a great garden this year. I hope to have planters on our paito once we move. :o)
Man, I wish I lived closer to you! I would gladly help you out to eat your veggies!
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