What a week!! I am so ready to put it behind me and start fresh.
It all started on Wednesday evening when my friend called to ask me questions about her new Iphone. We were having a great conversation, and then she told me about my sister who is pregnant. The crazy thing is, Ken & I didn't know. Turns out, she is due in a few weeks. I got to hear from one of my very best friends about my sister's pregnancy, she's having another girl. I had a little chat with my sister that ended in her pretty much shutting me out of her life because I will not tolerate drama and lies. It broke me down at first because once upon a time her and I were close. There comes a point in life when you get tired of chasing everyone and trying to fix everything, but it's not giving up. It's realizing you don't need certain people and the drama they bring. I'm done.
On Thursday night Ken got home. It's always nice having him home. I love that geek =)
My sister Bobbie was in the hospital having contractions. She is only 7 months along. There has been talk they want us to adopt the baby. We've had too many negatives with trying to adopt and we realize it's just not meant to be. The hurt isn't worth it. I am hoping and praying my sister will be able to keep the baby in awhile longer and that my niece will be born healthy.
On Friday we bought a big honkan grill for our anniversary. It's a bigger version of our smoker. It's pretty much been Ken's dream grill. I am certain that "it's a man thing" We're going to be able to invite the whole neighborhood over when we fill this beast with meat.
So, the weekend was starting out alright, I was pretty much over the whole ordeal on Wednesday night and realized I will be fine.
Saturday morning I woke up around 6am and needed a drink, I turned on the lamp on my bedside table & saw blood all over the place. I'm serious, the floor looked like a massacre. It was on the walls, all over the pet bed, the white carpeting and my dog Mckenzie. She has a growth on her neck that burst. I know, gross. It was horrible, and that's putting it nicely. We took her downstairs and applied pressure. Ken phoned the Vet and left a message with the vet on call. What a mess. After about 45 minutes the vet on call phoned us and told us to try to stop the bleeding and that we could come in at 9am when they open. What??? It was before 6am, our dog's neck is squirting blood and we have to wait 3 flippan hours? UGH!! We were able to stop the bleeding & took her in at 9am. The vet ran a number of tests,, but didn't clean her wound or even bandage it. They said that they could operate on Monday morning. So, we'd have to wait two more days. We were alright with that I guess. A few hundred dollars later, and mind you, nothing done to the wound, we were sent home with antibiotics, and the assumption that McKenzie would have surgery on Monday morning.
Ken and I were sitting at the kitchen bar eating lunch and the vet called. Ken took the call. They went on to say Kenzies thyroid levels were low and her kidney levels on the high side. They said they are going to run another test which costs another $150. That test would be sent down to MSU...because they can read the test better!!! What the heck!! Flashback: two weeks earlier that same vet did that to my friend when his pup was sick....something wasn't right. Ken called and said no to the test and to go ahead with the surgery, they said no. That this new test will be back in 7-10 days and they have us penciled in for the 31st to have the growth removed. WHAT??? Excuse me? My dog is bleeding profusely, from her neck and you expect me to wait 7-10 days so you can run more tests? I think NOT!!
Saturday afternoon my step mom called me and told me the most boggling thing. If you remember from previous posts, I have been searching pretty much my whole life to find the man who saved my life when I was 5 days old. I, along with my biological parents (Jim & Karen) and their friend Joe was involved in a horrific accident when I was 5 days old. Long story short, I wasn't breathing, a cop gave me cpr...and here I am =) Anyways, Donna (my real dad's wife) said "Kat, you're never going to believe this. The man who pulled you from the car accident is at our camp right now" WHAT???? She went on to tell me Jim called her from his cell phone. My brother , Bruce was also up at camp & his neighbor, Hank was there as well. They were tapping maple trees and making syrup. They started talking about accidents after Bruce poked his eye with a stick & this Hank fella spoke of this gruesome accident he came upon years ago. Jim realized it was our accident. That's the story Donna told me. I told her to have Jim call me when he gets home. I told ken of this news & we debated on going up to camp so I could meet my rescuer. We'd take Mckenzie with us. We decided to stay home. Ken said the grill was hot and we'd have to stop and get gas. I thought that meant he didn't want to go, maybe my wanting to go was being selfish. So, we stayed home and he put chicken on the grill. My sister Jamie & her husband stopped over so they had dinner with us. My mind wandered the whole time. I wonder if this man would want to meet me, what would I say to him if and when I meet him? Knowing this information has always been my dream...and there I sat, at the table, pretending to be happy. Pretending I didn't want to be up at camp thanking my hero, still thinking maybe I was being selfish to want to go. I always imagined the day when I'd find out who saved me would be like...and this was nothing like it.
Saturday night Mckenzie's neck began bleeding horribly again. We have no emergency vet here at all on the weekends. We had friends over when it all happened. We were able to get the bleeding under control and we finished watching our movie.
Jim called me today when he got home from camp and told me the whole story and what Hank said about the accident. How the driver of the car had been decapitated, the woman in the backseat was screaming, her back was broken, and she had on a bracelet from the hospital. It was then he and the officer realized there was a baby in the car. The baby being, me. He told Jim about the gawker who lit a cigarette while scoping things out, how Hank unloaded on the guy to get away, there was gas, about the driver of the truck that hit us, how he smelled of alcohol, how the baby's head was the shape of a pancake, how he gave the officer his phone # to call with any updates of the family in the car, about how he always wondered if that baby lived... What are the chances that the man who pulled me from the car would be at my camp? Hank is my brother Bruce's neighbor as I mentioned before...I have so much to be thankful for. I owe a lot to this man. I find myself pretending I am not as excited as I am because it doesn't seem to be phasing ken at all. Maybe I am being odd, but I always thought he'd be excited. I know if someone saved my husbands life when he was young and he had spent pretty much his whole life wondering and searching, I would be ecstatic to meet them. But no, we stayed home..because the grill was hot & we'd have to get stop and get gas. Like I said, I never envisioned the day I find out who saved me would be like this... I am so excited to finally have some answers and I look forward to meeting him real soon.
Tomorrow we will be taking McKenzie to another vet and hopefully they will take care of her.
It's been quite the week of ups and downs, hurt, sadness, and anger, excitement and drama. I plan on going on the road this week as long as McKenzie is fine. I need a break...
Not Your Typical Amish Home (18 Photos)
1 hour ago
I am praying for you my new sweet friend. So much emotion is filled in this post, from happiness and excitement to anger and sadness. I'm thinking of you as you try to cope with all the "drama" that has been thrown in your lap this past week.
Wow, Kathy, what a week! I wish I could be there to give you a hug. I too, like, Sandy, will be praying for you, as you deal w/McKenzie & all the other stuff going on in your life at the moment!
When old emotion arises it is often quick and painful and dizzying. Let it wash over you and through you, whatever may come. Fully experience it, then let it go. You will feel such an amazing sense of peace. And don’t be too hard on your husband; he is your anchor and your steady hand in all of this, so use that and lean on him.
One day, you and I are going to have to have a chat about family – just chalk it up to another of those things that we have in common. Just remember, friends are the family you chose for yourself. It looks like you have some great people looking in on you! You’re in my heart.
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