Last summer Ken made shelves in the basement for the home canned goods and other items we use in our home. The cement walls down there are creepy and need a coat of paint but the shelves are
soo darn
tootan awesome!! They are looking rather bare, however. Store bought canned goods are occupying the space where home canned corn, green beans, carrots, and jams should be. We still have an abundance of our homemade tomato soup. This year we will have to cut back, give more away and
definitely eat more soup. While reorganizing the shelves I found 8 or so bottles of homemade salsa which was mixed with the jars of
home canned tomatoes and the stewed tomatoes. Talk about total excitement. We LOVE salsa!!

We still have oodles of jars of sweet pickles. We opened up a jar of baby dills and holy sour!! Sadly, we threw away those along with the dilly garlic beans. If any of you have a good recipe for a dill pickle recipe and wouldn't mind sharing, I am totally open!! We still have strawberry jam, spiced peach, apple pear and rhubarb jam. We don't go through much jam or jelly at all. One small batch of each kind would suffice for the whole year for us.

I also went way overboard on making applesauce. I come from a large family and making small meals just does not fit into my realm of thinking. This year, I still plan on making applesauce, but will freeze more apples for pies, muffins, etc. I will also make apple jelly & try apple butter.
In the picture below you can see my hand holding a tool my Mom used in her kitchen years ago when she made applesauce. I am now the proud owner and avid user of this. It brings me such joy using it, that apparently I am unable to know when enough is enough!
LOL This puree-er is also used when I make homemade
tomato sauce and pizza
sauce. Who wants those pesky seeds in their sauce anyways? It has also come in use with raspberries and strawberries. I really need to find out what it really is called. I call it my applesauce maker thingy

I'm a coupon clipper too and stock up on things we use when they are on sale. Ken even does this!! You can see by the amount of Irish Spring body soap and deodorant we have stocked. We don't use a lot of store bought canned goods but like to keep some on hand. I recently found a recipe to make your own rice a
roni. We love rice a
roni but it has
msg, and oodles upon oodles of salt in it...that = no fun for miss Kathy. We are finding alternative, healthier versions of the foods we enjoy. I'll tell you this, I have been feeling so much better so it's
definitely worth it!!
I make a lot of the cleaning products I use in our home. I can't wait till all the chemical crud we have in the basement is used up or given away. Recently, my friend told me how she washes her toilet...I have never been so excited!!! Really.
this post made me smile! excited about cleaning the toilet! :) cute. :) loved seeing your shelves full of canned goods. when we lived in our farmhouse, we canned/froze quite a bit for the long winter months. lots of fun!
Sometimes is referred to as a food mill, sometimes a sieve. Nowadays, a food mill has a crank and handle as well. That my dear, is just an old fashion sieve. I have one, too - with a wood handle!
Love this post....I remember canning and freezing tons of things with my mom when I was young...I really look forward to trying to can again.
Thank you so much for your comment Jenilee. =)Preserving is one of our favorite things to do.
Melanie~ what can I say? You rock!! I will now have to practice calling it a sieve when Ken & I are using it. I am pretty sure he'll still refer to it as, "your Moms applesauce thingy mablobber."
Tami~ I wish we lived closer. We could go on a canning bonanza together. I am certain we'd have oodles of laughs. Have a wonderful time celebrating your anniversary.
I can't believe you found 8 jars of hidden salsa... that's like finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!
You betcha, Mavis!! We were both "woot wooting" and doing a happy dance!!
You so inspire me. Bet you can guess what I'll be doing this weekend....organizing my pantry and yarn stash! I wished we lived closer so you could teach me some things, like canning and stuff. You're such a talented lady!
Sandy, Thank you so much, you are too kind. You could totally do this too. I recommend you purchase or see if your local library has "The Ball Blue" book. It's like, a food preservation Bible of sorts. You can do it!! =)
Sandy, Thank you so much, you are too kind. You could totally do this too. I recommend you purchase or see if your local library has "The Ball Blue" book. It's like, a food preservation Bible of sorts. You can do it!! =)
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