This picture always makes me smile. This is Ken's old truck parked at Woodbury Collision (which is now Bobaloon's). It's the same truck I mentioned before about having bullet holes, the air horn, it is the truck Ken was driving with my friend Scott on the day that I met Kenif. It's a 1974 Chevrolet stepside. Only two wheel drive but the glass packs and air horn made that ok. Plus, the hunky owner totally made this truck the best!!
We spent many hours and numerous gallons of gas cruising main in this stellar mobile. I always sat in the middle of the seat next to my hunny. Ken had plans of refinishing it, even had it all in primer. Then we moved to Green Bay and he sold it to my cousin who then sold it.
What I wouldn't do to have it back. That truck brings back some pretty fantastical memories.
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