I've been thinking about my Mom a lot. Tomorrow is the 23rd anniversary of her death. It seems as though it were yesterday...Mike coming to my bedside, telling me Mom was dying....I was 10....It was just a little past 7am, I went downstairs, everybody was crying, the phone rang, it was dad...Mom was gone....
I miss you Mom!! I wish you could have met my hubby Ken. He's a fabulous guy & I know you'd be proud to have him as a son in law. In the 10 short years I was graced with you as my Mom I learned so much. I'd like to think you had a HUGE part in making me the woman I've become!! I hope I make you proud. I give you the
credit for instilling the love of crafts in me and for my deep desire in preserving food. How much of an honor it was to have used your applesauce maker gadget this year!!
Katherine Marie!!!!! yeah, I actually miss hearing her say that. I'd get called that when I was being a
lil rascall...which happened often. Who'd think the thing I'd hated the most would be one of the things I miss the most
Suzie Belle...Mom always called me Suzie Belle & Laurie was Lulu Belle. It was so fun having those nicknames. Only Mom used them =)
I miss grocery shopping at the numerous stores around town...had to go where the bargains were!!
Crocheting in the afternoons, the days Mom bought oodles upon oodles of yarn & we wound them into balls....I miss that....
This is demented but I remember her cough...and for some reason I miss it. When I hear a cough similar to what hers was I turn in that direction.
Her outfits...I miss them & I wish I had some of them to make memory quilts or teddy bears for my family.
Mom taught me about patience...with raising 10 kids ya know she HAD to have patience!!
Each and every time I go to Otter Lake I think of the family get togethers, sing-a-longs & Mom's home cooking. I bet I'd like her scalloped potatoes now.
Every time I see a school bus I dream of one day owning one & making it into a Tan Sedan...similar to my parents. I think of Mom sewing the cushions, curtains & decorating the bus...and I hope to do that for myself one day. I think my bus will be purple though =)
I miss going to Church Sunday mornings & coming home & making a big breakfast...even if I could only be the toast maker.
Making spritz cookies was always a fun Christmas event.
I can only imagine her saying to me "Now what in the hell do you need all those dogs for Katherine?" It makes me smile thinking of it actually. Cuz that's pretty much how she'd say it too.
The love she showed for each & every one of her children was immense. Her love of family gatherings & ability of keeping it all together inspire me. She was the ultimate of multitasking!!
The biggest thing my Mom instilled in me didn't occur until after she died... never say horrible things to people, bite your tongue, quit being selfish. You never know if those hateful words can one day be the last words spoken to your loved one. I always say I wouldn't change a thing in my life. Each and every event, good or bad has helped mold me into the woman I am. I do wish instead of telling my Mom I hated her & wished she were dead that I would have said, "I Love you're the best!!"
I just love your story about Mom!! I really miss her too!! You are a really talented person Kath, Mom would really be glad you are happy with all the things you do & you finding your soul mate. She would be proud of you!!!
Your story about your mom is so touching, bringing tears to my eyes!
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